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  1. @kwerling If you're referring to your work experience accordion, here's how you'll target that header text! There's a few ways you can do this depending on how you want to style accordions your site. If you want to target all accordions on your site, you can use this code: .sqs-block-accordion .accordion-item__click-target { font-size: 20px!important; } If you want to target the accordion on this page only, use this code: #collection-66cb982a21c692384ff09411 { .sqs-block-accordion .accordion-item__click-target { font-size: 20px!important; } } Just change the font size accordingly 🙂
  2. @kwerling Are you familiar with finding block IDs? You can adjust this specific accordion's styling this way. Please share the link to your site and I can take a look!
  3. @tuanphan Could you assist me in rounding the borders on this vimeo video block? The codes above aren't working for me. https://african-alliance-ri.squarespace.com/about Password= pass Thanks!!
  4. Hi Community! Tuan helped me figure this out one-on-one, but I wanted to share his code just in case it may help anyone else out. I've added notes so you can configure it for your own site 🌞 @media screen and (min-width: 768px) { div#block-code123 figcaption { max-height: 404px; //increase or decrease this accordingly overflow-y: scroll; pointer-events: initial !important; display: block !important; } }//laptop view @media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1024px) { div#block-code123 figcaption { max-height: 304px !important; //increase or decrease this accordingly } }//tablet view
  5. @tuanphan Page: plum-buttercup-wrdb.squarespace.com/blog/review-template Password: review I'm trying to achieve the same functionality where additional text that goes beyond the image height for an inline image card is hidden by a scrollbar. Thanks!
  6. Hi @tuanphan @MillyBanks, Did you find a solution for this? I'm also in need of a solution for this. Thanks!
  7. @tuanphan Is this possible to do with the Masonry Blog? I'm having a difficult time finding the right CSS selectors 😢
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