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Everything posted by Marya

  1. @atmos I'm not sure but maybe @tuanphan can provide an alternative solution here? He's a legend!
  2. @fstone Here's a sample of code you can use to add for the other bodies of work on your site. This is for Personal > Friends specifically. @media screen and (max-width: 640px) { section[data-section-id="66ce3733f867976ea58abdcc"] { display: none!important; }//desktop gallery }//hide on mobile @media screen and (min-width: 641px) { section[data-section-id="6702ea6a582bf305b6f183a3"] { display: none!important }//mobile gallery }//hide on desktop
  3. @fstone The easiest way to achieve this is set up both galleries and then use CSS to hide one gallery depending on the screen size. If you set them up, I can take a look at your site and send the code over! Just make sure to share your site pw 🙂
  4. @atmos Does this work? The block codes below are your scrolling block, and the image block + buttons from left to right. You can adjust the px depending on how much you want to bring it up. @media screen and (min-width:641px) and (max-width:1024px) { #block-659a5529fbb4a53d3758, #block-584784f53489ce33c8a4, #block-2e8836c387a4331aa65e, #block-672cf0a0e550ff8b2b17, #block-0ba298f692d4e9f7324c, #block-f5d4a66c0cf6b95ce566, #block-5414e21d68f750877f26 { top: -20px; } } //tablet only
  5. Try adding this to your Custom CSS panel h1 { text-transform: uppercase!important; }
  6. Hey @atmos Can you share the link to your site so I can inspect your code? Thanks!
  7. @Hannie If you're open to it, you can invest in this Ghostplugins option that'll help your recreate that popout menu. I haven't used it myself but I've purchased other plugins from them before 🙂
  8. @abbyleighton97 I'm not sure about the code but maybe you can do a workaround! I would hide the lesson video and just add the video block to the editable section available below. That way you can resize it however you like.
  9. @flocosix You should be able to change the input font size with the following CSS. I'm not sure how to target the placeholder font size though. Hope this helps! .sqs-block-form .field-list input, .sqs-block-form .field-list textarea, .sqs-block-form .field-list .form-input-prefix { font-size: 12px; }
  10. Hi All! I'm not sure if I'm just missing support guides or other convos on this, but is it possible for us to create exit surveys for members who cancel their subscription to our member site? The goal is to collect information on why they decided to cancel and how we can improve our experience. Ideally, this would be sent to them immediately upon cancelling. TIA.
  11. Paul's instructions are perf! If you're looking for something extra custom, you can manipulate the pagination font size by CSS. Go from Website > Pages > Utilities: Website Tools > Custom CSS Add this code & adjust the px to your liking. .item-pagination-link .item-pagination-title { font-size: 18px; }
  12. Hi! Could you share a link to your site? Please also include a password if it is password protected. Thanks!
  13. Hi @LKLKLK Your website is password protected so I wasn't able to see it. However, if you're on 7.1, you should be able to increase the sizing of your logo on both desktop and mobile by accessing "EDIT SITE HEADER." Here's a quick soundless video on how to find those options.
  14. @kwerling If you're referring to your work experience accordion, here's how you'll target that header text! There's a few ways you can do this depending on how you want to style accordions your site. If you want to target all accordions on your site, you can use this code: .sqs-block-accordion .accordion-item__click-target { font-size: 20px!important; } If you want to target the accordion on this page only, use this code: #collection-66cb982a21c692384ff09411 { .sqs-block-accordion .accordion-item__click-target { font-size: 20px!important; } } Just change the font size accordingly 🙂
  15. @kwerling Are you familiar with finding block IDs? You can adjust this specific accordion's styling this way. Please share the link to your site and I can take a look!
  16. @tuanphan Could you assist me in rounding the borders on this vimeo video block? The codes above aren't working for me. https://african-alliance-ri.squarespace.com/about Password= pass Thanks!!
  17. Hi Community! Tuan helped me figure this out one-on-one, but I wanted to share his code just in case it may help anyone else out. I've added notes so you can configure it for your own site 🌞 @media screen and (min-width: 768px) { div#block-code123 figcaption { max-height: 404px; //increase or decrease this accordingly overflow-y: scroll; pointer-events: initial !important; display: block !important; } }//laptop view @media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1024px) { div#block-code123 figcaption { max-height: 304px !important; //increase or decrease this accordingly } }//tablet view
  18. @tuanphan Page: plum-buttercup-wrdb.squarespace.com/blog/review-template Password: review I'm trying to achieve the same functionality where additional text that goes beyond the image height for an inline image card is hidden by a scrollbar. Thanks!
  19. Hi @tuanphan @MillyBanks, Did you find a solution for this? I'm also in need of a solution for this. Thanks!
  20. @tuanphan Is this possible to do with the Masonry Blog? I'm having a difficult time finding the right CSS selectors 😢
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