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  1. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from FabiSantiago in how can i shift from Fluid Engine to Classic Editor?   
    The more I try to come to terms with FE the more I am left speechless ...specifically the MESS that is now mobile. One of SS major pluses and selling points has been mobile responsiveness. For the most part, sites could be left as is on mobile, save for a little CSS if we wanted to remove or rearrange a particular block.

    Now, EVERY-SINGLE-ITEM has to be arranged, and rearranged ...even something as seemingly inconsequential as deleting one block and adding another renders the entire mobile view rearranged -according to timeline of addition! Not where the block is placed. 

    And while it's nice to be able to re-arrange elements on mobile view without CSS, we cannot change ANY content without it also changing on desktop  (making CSS still necessary) (as example; text size, multiple images that look good on desktop but are too cluttered on mobile)
    Overall, the mess and STRESS that is mobile/tablet rendering and 2x the design process negates the pluses given us with being able to rearrange blocks. 

    It's great to be able to rearrange blocks for mobile, but we shouldn't HAVE to as part of the design process. Couldn't SS incorporate CE mobile responsiveness with the ability to rearrange blocks?

    I really cannot fathom how this "mobile first" philosophy now being implemented is considered more intuitive or user friendly.  It certainly does not make for the quality design that CE did.
    Mobile view according to timeline of blocks added simply does not make sense.
    Again, I/we ask ...do not MAKE us move to FE. Make it a set of advanced design options embedded within CE, and CE permanent, thus making 7.1 the best of both worlds and appealing to an even broader audience.

    I can grit my teeth and adjust to most of FE, but the mobile mess makes the whole thing a frustrating and unpleasant experience. -As others have said, it also makes a site challenging in terms of accessibility ...shouldn't we be aiming for more rather than less inclusive?

  2. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from glowstudiosinc in how can i shift from Fluid Engine to Classic Editor?   
    I tried again yesterday to come to terms with FE, spending several hours trying to (re) create classic and basic SS styles using FE + an open mind, and ended up on the verge of leaving Squarespace -EVERYTHING to do with image blocks is gone; image styles (poster, overlap, etc.) animations, the option to add a caption, just trying to get text and buttons to align properly ... and then do the whole thing again anywhere I want that layout. (And then edit for mobile)

    And the mobile rendering? 🤯  Yes, it's nice to eliminate or change a section on mobile view without CSS, but to have to check and edit/redesign the entire site as you go because with FE mobile now renders based on timeline (when you added the sections/blocks!) 
    It's all over the place ... 
    Who are the people FE was tested on that determined it was faster and more intuitive?? For sure not the general DIY population who are the backbone of SS, and not designers ...

    There are advanced designers who are loving the flexibility and can use advanced CSS, HTML and Java to make it work for them, but many of us do not fall into that category. I dare say, the majority of SS users do not.

    Maybe Im the only one, but I actually really like the option of spacer blocks. I use them to set up my own even grid, and serve many purposes ...they are a fundamental tool. 
    As are image block options ...please give us the OPTION to use FE

    This forced "migration" to FE is going to be disastrous for many long time loyal SS customers. 
    Are you reading these threads?? 
    PLEASE make FE a CHOICE! And keep classic not just for a few months, but forever. Just as you have with 7.0 and 7.1 -proving that it's possible.
  3. Like
    ilseS reacted to AC57 in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    I'm having a terrible time with this Fluid Engine and can't get my old layout back! I used it on one section of my site, which includes the home page and it completely screwed it up. I've tried to redo it several times. Images are overlapping, not fitting properly inside the image blocks without fudging with them, and then they show up tiny on the mobile. I can't believe Squarespace did this and won't let you get rid of it. What are we supposed to do with this mess???
  4. Like
    ilseS reacted to brandonhendrickson in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    Site URL: https://www.rochestertag.com/
    So... I hate it — like, hate hate it, like can't use it without screaming curses... and I'm honestly confused as to why this isn't the dominant conversation topic in the SS community.
    Can anyone shed light on this?
    My experience: I've made oodles of sites in SS. I love(d) SS, and have been an enthusiastic evangelist.
    When I started my newest site, I found out that I'm required to use FluidEngine. I wasn't excited about this — it promised a learning curve that I didn't want to take on in a busy month — but, whatever. Gotta roll with the punches.
    My experience of FluidEngine so far has been nothing but woe. I have three questions for anyone who can share their experiences.
    1. What's the benefit supposed to be, again? The primary benefit (to judge by all the videos I've watched on YouTube) is that now we can stack words on top of images. This is a neat feature that I do not need to use. So the primary improvement is, for me, no improvement.
    (Am I wrong about this? Is there another, better feature that FluidEngine is supposed to give us?)
    2. Now it's more complicated to make a page, right? Even if I were really good at using Fluid Engine (and... maybe I will be, someday? maybe I'll stick with SS?... maybe?), it seems like it would still be significantly more work to make a simple page.
    I get the drift that the old philosophy of Squarespace ("Build it beautiful") was to limit the number of decisions we could make, to nudge our sites into elegance. (Wanted to complicate it? That's what CSS was for.)
    Now it feels like they've flipped the philosophy — we're forced to make tons of decisions just to put up something simple.
    (Am I wrong about this?)
    3. It's hard to get the spacing to work on mobile, right? Like... REALLY hard, right? I loved — loved — how effortlessly my sites used to appear in mobile. There were times I had to wrestle with it, but they were rare, and only when I was trying to do something weird.
    But now — please, please tell me if you have a different experience — the spacing for mobile is really hard to work out! Like, IMPOSSIBLE to work out.
    I didn't trust my judgment of this until I saw this video by Will Myers. His solution (a code injection, some custom CSS, and some juggling) is ingenious — and should not be necessary to ensure a site looks good on a phone.
    (It's telling that, during his explanation, he struggles to make it work. Check out 7:20 — "This is something you need to be careful of, because I don't think Squarespace really likes you doing this, it wants to just force the extra space for some reason, I'm not really too sure why.")
    (God, am I wrong about this? Please tell me I'm wrong about this. Whenever I try to imagine the folks at Squarespace — who have up to now been such fastidious designers — saying, "ah, screw spacing, nobody cares about spacing!" my mind explodes.)
    Is anyone else being driven flipping insane by this?
    And does anyone know if there's a way to opt out of Fluid Design, even if for the near-term future?
  5. Like
    ilseS reacted to golivehq in Turn Off Site-Wide Animations On One Block With Squarespace Fluid Engine   
    Site URL: https://parrot-roadrunner-h4je.squarespace.com/
    Hey! With the new Squarespace Fluid Engine, we are having trouble finding a code that will disable the site-wide animation for just one block. Anyone have any leads on that? 
    password: demo 
    We're trying to remove the load-in animation on just a few blocks. 
  6. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from andrewbn in Fluid Engine: Mobile Footer changes not isolated?   
    Sadly yes. A bit give with one hand take with the other IMO. Gone is the beautiful and automatic mobile scaling across all screen sizes. Replaced by required mobile re-design but without the tools to do so effectively. CSS still needed to hide blocks, change text etc. 
    And the tablet issue …
  7. Like
    ilseS reacted to andrewbn in Fluid Engine: Mobile Footer changes not isolated?   
    Ah, I see. So even something like centering text within a block on the mobile site should be expected to be reflected on the desktop site as well? I would also expect removing blocks on mobile to only impact mobile, but that doesn't seem to be the case either. Removing/adding blocks from mobile impacts both mobile and desktop.
  8. Thanks
    ilseS got a reaction from andrewbn in Fluid Engine: Mobile Footer changes not isolated?   
    Changes to mobile layout are supposed to remain exclusively on mobile, but that is for block arrangement only,  changes to content of any kind; font, size, color, etc., are also reflected on desktop.

    Is it footer block layout changing on desktop?
  9. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from paul2009 in Fluid Engine: Mobile Footer changes not isolated?   
    Changes to mobile layout are supposed to remain exclusively on mobile, but that is for block arrangement only,  changes to content of any kind; font, size, color, etc., are also reflected on desktop.

    Is it footer block layout changing on desktop?
  10. Like
    ilseS reacted to SalM in I have two sites running on 7.1. Can I enable Fluid Engine for one and not the other?   
    When enabling fluid engine will it enable on all sites of an account or do  you have to enable it for each site? I only want to enable it for one of my sites.
  11. Love
    ilseS reacted to Inscape in Tablet view with Fluid Engine   
    Will Myers just posted a solution to the tablet spacing problem! He is offering it for free! https://www.will-myers.com/articles/fixing-the-tablet-spacing-problem-in-squarespace-fluid-engine
  12. Like
    ilseS reacted to crabcakes in how can i shift from Fluid Engine to Classic Editor?   
    Hate hate hate this. Squarespace user for probably 15 years now. The very reason I use this is because sections are easy. I just finished exhaustively learning and now this serious grade five FE arrives to make everything impossible. Constantly having to switch back to classic is seriously annoying. 
    I've been using SquareKicker, which is super simple to adjust layouts easily. Why SS didn't simply buy them out and integrate and bam, we're done: same easy SS layouts and simple tweaking for mobile. 
    Honestly I have come to detest SS. Hundred million company and can't provide simply module building upgrades in any real way. Why, for example, did SquareKicker kick SS's ass with a small 5 person team? How did that ever happen? Why do I have to pay them the same amount as SS every month to add little tweaks necessary to a site in 2022? 
    The misstep in FE just makes me growl. It's so annoying, and buggy, and ugh....I just can't. 
  13. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from DaveEarl in how can i shift from Fluid Engine to Classic Editor?   
    The more I try to come to terms with FE the more I am left speechless ...specifically the MESS that is now mobile. One of SS major pluses and selling points has been mobile responsiveness. For the most part, sites could be left as is on mobile, save for a little CSS if we wanted to remove or rearrange a particular block.

    Now, EVERY-SINGLE-ITEM has to be arranged, and rearranged ...even something as seemingly inconsequential as deleting one block and adding another renders the entire mobile view rearranged -according to timeline of addition! Not where the block is placed. 

    And while it's nice to be able to re-arrange elements on mobile view without CSS, we cannot change ANY content without it also changing on desktop  (making CSS still necessary) (as example; text size, multiple images that look good on desktop but are too cluttered on mobile)
    Overall, the mess and STRESS that is mobile/tablet rendering and 2x the design process negates the pluses given us with being able to rearrange blocks. 

    It's great to be able to rearrange blocks for mobile, but we shouldn't HAVE to as part of the design process. Couldn't SS incorporate CE mobile responsiveness with the ability to rearrange blocks?

    I really cannot fathom how this "mobile first" philosophy now being implemented is considered more intuitive or user friendly.  It certainly does not make for the quality design that CE did.
    Mobile view according to timeline of blocks added simply does not make sense.
    Again, I/we ask ...do not MAKE us move to FE. Make it a set of advanced design options embedded within CE, and CE permanent, thus making 7.1 the best of both worlds and appealing to an even broader audience.

    I can grit my teeth and adjust to most of FE, but the mobile mess makes the whole thing a frustrating and unpleasant experience. -As others have said, it also makes a site challenging in terms of accessibility ...shouldn't we be aiming for more rather than less inclusive?

  14. Like
    ilseS reacted to creedon in Font weight not responding   
    I'm not a font expert and this might not even be the issue but as I understand it all fonts do not have to have all weights defined. In other words the weights supported are up to the font creator.
    When you specify a weight that is not supported there is a formula to pick a fallback weight.
    Why a font weight might work on v7.0 and not v7.1 might be down to the two fonts are not actually the same font file. As with all software there are versions. And in the case of fonts different companies have their own versions of a particular font family.
  15. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from Turbine in how can i shift from Fluid Engine to Classic Editor?   
    The more I try to come to terms with FE the more I am left speechless ...specifically the MESS that is now mobile. One of SS major pluses and selling points has been mobile responsiveness. For the most part, sites could be left as is on mobile, save for a little CSS if we wanted to remove or rearrange a particular block.

    Now, EVERY-SINGLE-ITEM has to be arranged, and rearranged ...even something as seemingly inconsequential as deleting one block and adding another renders the entire mobile view rearranged -according to timeline of addition! Not where the block is placed. 

    And while it's nice to be able to re-arrange elements on mobile view without CSS, we cannot change ANY content without it also changing on desktop  (making CSS still necessary) (as example; text size, multiple images that look good on desktop but are too cluttered on mobile)
    Overall, the mess and STRESS that is mobile/tablet rendering and 2x the design process negates the pluses given us with being able to rearrange blocks. 

    It's great to be able to rearrange blocks for mobile, but we shouldn't HAVE to as part of the design process. Couldn't SS incorporate CE mobile responsiveness with the ability to rearrange blocks?

    I really cannot fathom how this "mobile first" philosophy now being implemented is considered more intuitive or user friendly.  It certainly does not make for the quality design that CE did.
    Mobile view according to timeline of blocks added simply does not make sense.
    Again, I/we ask ...do not MAKE us move to FE. Make it a set of advanced design options embedded within CE, and CE permanent, thus making 7.1 the best of both worlds and appealing to an even broader audience.

    I can grit my teeth and adjust to most of FE, but the mobile mess makes the whole thing a frustrating and unpleasant experience. -As others have said, it also makes a site challenging in terms of accessibility ...shouldn't we be aiming for more rather than less inclusive?

  16. Thanks
    ilseS got a reaction from FabiSantiago in how can i shift from Fluid Engine to Classic Editor?   
    I tried again yesterday to come to terms with FE, spending several hours trying to (re) create classic and basic SS styles using FE + an open mind, and ended up on the verge of leaving Squarespace -EVERYTHING to do with image blocks is gone; image styles (poster, overlap, etc.) animations, the option to add a caption, just trying to get text and buttons to align properly ... and then do the whole thing again anywhere I want that layout. (And then edit for mobile)

    And the mobile rendering? 🤯  Yes, it's nice to eliminate or change a section on mobile view without CSS, but to have to check and edit/redesign the entire site as you go because with FE mobile now renders based on timeline (when you added the sections/blocks!) 
    It's all over the place ... 
    Who are the people FE was tested on that determined it was faster and more intuitive?? For sure not the general DIY population who are the backbone of SS, and not designers ...

    There are advanced designers who are loving the flexibility and can use advanced CSS, HTML and Java to make it work for them, but many of us do not fall into that category. I dare say, the majority of SS users do not.

    Maybe Im the only one, but I actually really like the option of spacer blocks. I use them to set up my own even grid, and serve many purposes ...they are a fundamental tool. 
    As are image block options ...please give us the OPTION to use FE

    This forced "migration" to FE is going to be disastrous for many long time loyal SS customers. 
    Are you reading these threads?? 
    PLEASE make FE a CHOICE! And keep classic not just for a few months, but forever. Just as you have with 7.0 and 7.1 -proving that it's possible.
  17. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from glowstudiosinc in how can i shift from Fluid Engine to Classic Editor?   
    THIS 👆 please please make Fluid Engine optional!! A toggle on/off …there are many features which have the *potential* to be great, but for so many reasons we are begging to give us the option to continue to work on 7.1 as it is. 
  18. Like
    ilseS reacted to paul2009 in Infuriating content movement issue   
    Please send your feedback to Squarespace by contacting Squarespace Customer Care using this contact form. Squarespace employees do not respond to requests via the forum (see item 6 of the forum guidelines).
  19. Like
    ilseS reacted to LucasPocus in Infuriating content movement issue   
    Hello! I am absolutely in love with the new fluid engine. I love everything about it, except for one major issue: Typing can cause everything on my entire page to move.
    There's nothing more frustrating than spending time on a page, and typing in a text box, just to have one backspace, or one new line of text added, suddenly cause 50 or 100 rows of content across the entire page move up/down. This may force me to re-move every single item on the page back into its correct position. This may happen multiple times while editing a page. While some "hacks/tricks" help reduce the chance of this happening, such as dragging the text box to be far larger than I need, its not full proof. One backspace too far, and the entire enlarged chat box may shrink down to the size of just the text, and cause multiple rows of content to now all jump upwards on the page.
    This has cost me possibly hours of pointless repetition at this point.
    Request: Please make it so text boxes expanding/shrinking do NOT have any effect on the movement of all other content. If I want to move something, I will move it myself. I've spent hours re-doing placements because of this.
    Additionally: A simple + and - sign beside the row your mouse is aimed at, to add or remove a row would be incredibly helpful. Sometimes I may decide I want to put x item at the top, and need to move every item on the page down. Dragging helps, but sometimes pages are too large. A "hack" I use at the moment is actually the very thing I complained about. I'll use a text box, drag it to be the full width of the page, place this text box at the top of the page, and hit enter a few times, to move the entire website down. This is very makeshift though, and official support for a simple +/- row option to the side would be significantly better. 
  20. Like
    ilseS reacted to Ognio in Centering Items Issue Using CSS   
    Site URL: https://www.quintilianschool.ca/
    I recently launched a website for a client and all was well in the world. No issues, no bugs...client got what they asked for (even if some of it wasn't my favourite...lol).
    Anyways, all of a sudden there are centering issues site wide for 1368px and below. Mostly it is just text headers but also a few images are acting weird. Issue only presented itself after this new Fluid Engine update...smh...so silly. Website is running on 7.1 Classic Builder.
    I am using basic code for my centering of text on certain aspect ratios (as seen in attached image).
    Idk if I'm dumb or the Fluid Engine update is...either way I'm super frustrated and ready to leave the platform.
    Any help would be great...thanks.

  21. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from FabiSantiago in how can i shift from Fluid Engine to Classic Editor?   
    THIS 👆 please please make Fluid Engine optional!! A toggle on/off …there are many features which have the *potential* to be great, but for so many reasons we are begging to give us the option to continue to work on 7.1 as it is. 
  22. Like
    ilseS reacted to Shaun_mav in SS 7.1 fluid engine - at and below 749 pixels wide website "explodes", can this be fixed?   
    Yes, I am using Fluid Engine. When I edit it mobile view it also changes my desktop version, which is not what I want, it doesn't make sense.

    Perhaps I am not understanding what you mean by reorder...

    Irrespective of this, there are huge gaps, there is no resemblance between the desktop/tablet version, so >449 pixels and the site when 449 pixels or less, the layout completely changes, elements do not appear as they are supposed to - they become twice the size or shrink dramatically, just a huge mess. I may certainly be doing something wrong, what remains to be uncovered, if that be the case.
  23. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from Turbine in how can i shift from Fluid Engine to Classic Editor?   
    THIS 👆 please please make Fluid Engine optional!! A toggle on/off …there are many features which have the *potential* to be great, but for so many reasons we are begging to give us the option to continue to work on 7.1 as it is. 
  24. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from ColinB in SS 7.1 fluid engine - at and below 749 pixels wide website "explodes", can this be fixed?   
    I am unfortunately not able to offer a solution, only to say this is a commonly occurring issue and suggest that you log it with SS. If enough do they will move faster to correct this issue.
  25. Like
    ilseS reacted to Shaun_mav in SS 7.1 fluid engine - at and below 749 pixels wide website "explodes", can this be fixed?   
    Site URL: https://worksbyshaun.com/home-new
    I am reworking my home page and having significant issues with the page once you shrink it to less than 750 pixels wide, the entire homepage "explodes", the only way I can explain it. Graphics shift all over the page, nothing resembles what the page should look like layout wise.

    Please see the two screen grabs below. I do not believe that I am alone with issues like this and would greatly appreciate some direction on how I may resolve this...

    Thank you so much for your help.
    Website at 750px wide, as it should look...

    Broken/exploded website at 749 pixels wide...

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