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  1. This works beautifully on desktop, thank you!! Is there a way to have the bold hover effect excluding the ( :nth-child(5) on mobile as well?
  2. Thank you! This works beautifully on desktop but nothing hovers on mobile. How can I do the same on mobile?
  3. @creedonor @GraeMedia I used code like this on a website I am working on: https://harp-algae-smyn.squarespace.com/ to make the Services folder clickable and become bold on hover. However, another folder, Patient Resources is not clickable (intentionally) and I don't want it to be bold on hover because then it will be confusing to the end user. Do you know how I can get this specific nav button NOT to bold on hover, but continue to allow the drop down in Patient Resources to bold on hover? I appreciate you trying to help. Sherry
  4. Site URL: https://harp-algae-smyn.squarespace.com/ Hi. I added this code below in order to have a hover on each button of the navigation bar. This works fine. /* Nav item hover - bold */ .header-nav-item a:hover { color: black !important; font-weight: bold; } However, I do not want the 5th button (Patient Resources) a folder, to turn bold when you hover over it because it is not an actual page (like the Services folder - this is an actual page). Is there a way to never show the bold hover on Patient Resources? Desktop and mobile? Thanks so much for you help! Sherry
  5. Thanks so much, @paul2009 I appreciate the help!
  6. @bangank36 You were so helpful with this question. I was wondering if you knew anything about another question I posted. Title: 7.1 Homepage background video - Top is cropped off Would you mind if I shared this question with you? Thanks so much! Sherry
  7. Site URL: https://harp-algae-smyn.squarespace.com/ Hi. I have a video loaded into the first section on the homepage under the Navigation bar. The top of the video is being cropped off. In fact, when I go into the Edit Site Header section and change the Navigation style from Solid to Gradient (see screenshots below) the video is actually sitting underneath the navigation bar. Is there any way to fit the entire video (full bleed) into this background section? Thanks so much for your help in advance!
  8. @bangank36 Thank you so much! That works beautifully. Is there also a way to make the 2 buttons (next to the font awesome) on the mobile Nav bar bold? Appreciate all your help!
  9. Site URL: https://harp-algae-smyn.squarespace.com/ Hi. I set up font awesome (using unicode) for 2 specific buttons on the Navigation Bar. I want to do the same in mobile. This is the code I used. Which is great, until you go to the drop down menu. (see screenshot). How can I keep this only on the front page of the mobile navigation and not carry over to everything in the 4th and 5th position (New Patients and Appointments) Screenshot? Thanks so much for your help!! @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .header-menu-nav-list .header-menu-nav-item:nth-child(4) a::before { content: '\f3c5'; font-family: FontAwesome; display: inline-block; padding-right: 9px; color: rgb(154, 187, 145); font-size: 20px; } } @media screen and (max-width:767px) { .header-menu-nav-list .header-menu-nav-item:nth-child(5) a::before { content: '\f098'; font-family: FontAwesome; display: inline-block; padding-right: 9px; color: rgb(154, 187, 145); font-size: 20px; } } .header-menu-nav-list .header-menu-nav-item:nth-child(4) { font-weight: 700; } .header-menu-nav-list .header-menu-nav-item:nth-child(5) { font-weight: 700; }
  10. Hi Tuanphan I see you've solved some similar problems as the one I'm having. I hope you can take a look at my question: Increase padding on Mobile only text Thank you in advance!!


    1. swvarian


      Tuanphan, Thank you, ErikaT came to my rescue! Have a great day!

  11. Tuanphan. Thank you for offering to help. I actually figured out a solution. I appreciate your response. Thanks! Sherry

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