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Google is not indexing my website

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Hi @Rawan, this can be down to a few things - I actually made a graphic that summarises the key points, as people ask this a lot 😅

I've also scanned your homepage with SEOSpace and can see the main thing probably holding you back is thin content - i.e. <300 words on a web page, which makes it hard for Google to know what to rank you for.


Screenshot 2024-04-07 at 14.34.50.png

Henry Purchase

Founder of SEOSpace - the SEO plugin for Squarespace.

Get a Free Squarespace SEO Audit: https://www.seospace.co.uk/squarespace-seo-audit-score


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On 4/7/2024 at 2:35 PM, SEOSpace_Henry said:

Hi @Rawan, this can be down to a few things - I actually made a graphic that summarises the key points, as people ask this a lot 😅

I've also scanned your homepage with SEOSpace and can see the main thing probably holding you back is thin content - i.e. <300 words on a web page, which makes it hard for Google to know what to rank you for.


Screenshot 2024-04-07 at 14.34.50.png

Interesting, thanks for the info!

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Hi @Rawan Thin content refers to low-quality low-value pages, it is not word count.

Regarding the soft 404, are you using Squarespace to host the video? If so, try Vimeo or YT:


Have SEO questions? Chances are we've written about it! Try a quick Google search to find our advice. Or for personalized support, see our consulting and training sessions. ★ Official Squarespace Experts since 2014 ★

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