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Add custom header code to individual event page

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Hello! I'm trying to format my Events pages so that they appear on the Google Events pages (if one does a search for "events near me" for example). There's this helpful post that almost perfectly describes what I'm trying to do; except it seems like there isn't a way to inject header code onto an individual event page. For example, I'd love for this page, which is the event page for a future Wood Refinishing class we're offering, to show up on the Google Events list. Does anyone know a solution? Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks @tuanphan — my question was about adding custom header code to an individual event page. I appreciate your response about adding custom code (not header code) to an parent event page, or adding header code to a parent event page (not an individual event page). Do you know if this is possible? Thanks!

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