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Decreasing Section Padding Squarespace 7.1

Go to solution Solved by tuanphan,

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I am using Squarespace 7.1 and need to remove vertical padding from sections - i.e. where sections join other sections. I imagine I'm not the only one thinking there is too much white space as a default and I can't find a way to remove it. 

Any ideas? I'm a new squarespace user and unfamiliar with custom css but will go down that road if needed. 


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Can you provide a link to your site?

I'm Colin Irwin aka silvabokis.  I've been a Squarespace designer & developer since 2013. 
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First click on the little pencil to edit the block...


Then use the section height tool to adjust the section height....


I hope this helps.

Steven Scott - Creative Partner
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Thank you both for taking the time to try to help me. Unfortunately I can't share the site link yet as it is password protected and I don't have permission from the organisation it is for. I tried to adjust the section height to go as small as possible but there is still too much white space for my liking. I am using for the home page text overlaid on a background image, followed by a section containing blog posts displayed as a carousel, followed by a footer. I want to reduce the white space between the carousel and the image (on top) and footer (on bottom).  I'll keep playing around with this:) Thanks again. 

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There is a min-height of 33vh set on sections. You need to override that to get the sections smaller. 

For all sections this would be:

.page-section {
    min-height: 0 !important;

For a specific section you need to specify the data-section-id that can be found by inspecting the page code using your browser's developer tools.

Somethig like this:

.page-section[data-section-id="5d979fd8590a832f3c411579"] {
    min-height: 0 !important;


I'm Colin Irwin aka silvabokis.  I've been a Squarespace designer & developer since 2013. 
I remember when it was all wild prairies round these here parts. 🐃🤠
Advice I give on here is free, though I may sometimes post an affiliate link or promote something I've written.
That reminds me.. ..you might want to check out my
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
12 hours ago, mpuls1 said:

I am having the same problem. The CSS isn't working for me and when I inspect the page, I also have "MagicPaddingController. Can anyone help? I am trying to reduce the padding on all gallery sections.


[data-section-id="enter section id here"] .content-wrapper {padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;}

Each section has different ID. If you share link to your site, I can take a look

Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. 
Or send to forum message

Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!)

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On 4/4/2020 at 4:11 AM, tuanphan said:


[data-section-id="enter section id here"] .content-wrapper {padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;}

Each section has different ID. If you share link to your site, I can take a look

@tuanphan I am brand new to coding and website-building. Could you take a peek at the website I am working on? I am trying to make a very short block at the footer of every page for the copyright notice, but I haven't gotten anything to work yet.

Website: vdlbuilders.com / password: preview

I believe the block id is block-24f7fac60c5ecb3e84ae. I am not able to enter a custom code block with the plan I am on.


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17 hours ago, tv42 said:

@tuanphan I am brand new to coding and website-building. Could you take a peek at the website I am working on? I am trying to make a very short block at the footer of every page for the copyright notice, but I haven't gotten anything to work yet.

Website: vdlbuilders.com / password: preview

I believe the block id is block-24f7fac60c5ecb3e84ae. I am not able to enter a custom code block with the plan I am on.


Use this CSS

footer#footer-sections>section:last-child .content-wrapper {
    padding-top: 5px;
    padding-bottom: 5px;


Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. 
Or send to forum message

Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!)

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3 hours ago, tuanphan said:

Use this CSS

footer#footer-sections>section:last-child .content-wrapper {
    padding-top: 5px;
    padding-bottom: 5px;


Thanks for your response. It doesn't look like that worked either, though 😞

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41 minutes ago, tuanphan said:

Try this

[data-section-id="5e8f4059a780b645bb8468ac"] {
    min-height: 10vh !important;
[data-section-id="5e8f4059a780b645bb8468ac"] .content-wrapper {
    padding-top: 2px !important;
    padding-bottom: 2px !important;


That worked! Thanks for your help!

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/14/2019 at 10:05 AM, colin.irwin said:

Can you provide a link to your site?


On 10/15/2019 at 6:07 AM, colin.irwin said:

There is a min-height of 33vh set on sections. You need to override that to get the sections smaller. 

For all sections this would be:

.page-section {
    min-height: 0 !important;

For a specific section you need to specify the data-section-id that can be found by inspecting the page code using your browser's developer tools.

Somethig like this:

.page-section[data-section-id="5d979fd8590a832f3c411579"] {
    min-height: 0 !important;



Edited by AdamR-NC
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  • 2 weeks later...

@tuanphan If I want to change the vertical padding on every slideshow throughout my site, do I need to write a bit of code that identifies each of those items individually or is there a way to implement a site-wide change to this aspect of the design? Thanks for all the help you provide in this community!

The site I'm working on is hillashapira.com, password: 2020. Just trying to close the gap between slideshows and the text section beneath them. 

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On 6/6/2020 at 11:00 PM, AdamR-NC said:

Working in 7.1 and I'm not really a coder. Is there a way to take section heights all the way to 0 on a site? (It doesn't allow for lower than 10) I have too much space between text blocks and image content.

Add to Home > Design > Custom CSS to remove min-height 10

#page section {
	min-height: unset !Important;
	height: auto !important;


Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. 
Or send to forum message

Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!)

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On 6/20/2020 at 12:32 AM, nellykate said:

@tuanphan If I want to change the vertical padding on every slideshow throughout my site, do I need to write a bit of code that identifies each of those items individually or is there a way to implement a site-wide change to this aspect of the design? Thanks for all the help you provide in this community!

The site I'm working on is hillashapira.com, password: 2020. Just trying to close the gap between slideshows and the text section beneath them. 

I think I answered you. You can check again

Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. 
Or send to forum message

Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!)

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I injected the code you sent above without success. Where I see #page, do I need to use .gallery-slideshow instead? Attached, you'll see a photo of what I'm hoping to achieve. Thank you!

2 hours ago, tuanphan said:

Add to Home > Design > Custom CSS to remove min-height 10

#page section {
	min-height: unset !Important;
	height: auto !important;



Screen Shot 2020-06-21 at 11.32.00 AM.png

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20 hours ago, nellykate said:

I injected the code you sent above without success. Where I see #page, do I need to use .gallery-slideshow instead? Attached, you'll see a photo of what I'm hoping to achieve. Thank you!

Can you share link to page in screenshot? I can't find exact portfolio page

Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. 
Or send to forum message

Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!)

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9 hours ago, nellykate said:

Add to Home > Design > Custom CSS

[data-section-id="5eebfb3b41e0e356fec85a0a"] .gallery-slideshow {
    padding-bottom: 2vw !important;


Email me if you have need any help (free, of course.). Answer within 24 hours. 
Or send to forum message

Contact Customer Care - Learn CSS - Buy me a coffee (thank you!)

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