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  1. how to apply this to the mobile version as well ?
  2. Yes, but not on the mobile version.
  3. Here is how to do it: <script> document.addEventListener("touchstart", function(){}, true); </script>
  4. Hello @Jnsn06 Hello @Beyondspace I am looking for the same effect for this portfolio page - www.wolk.studio/professional Could you advice on the CSS for the tapping option on the mobile version? The idea is to tap 1 time to activate the hover effect and on the second tap to enter the portfolio project. Thank you in advance.
  5. Hello all, here is my CSS for changing the background color: //HOME //background color section[data-section-id="65a53c30eb5380339bb8aa0d"] .section-background { background-color: #fff!important; } @media only screen and (max-width: 641px){ section[data-section-id="65a53c30eb5380339bb8aa0d"] .section-background { background-color: #fff!important; }} There is unfortunately this strip at the bottom of the mobile version that has not been affected by the change: How can I change it also to white? Thank you.
  6. @tuanphan @CorinnaR do we have a solution here for the portfolio titles showing on touch on mobile?
  7. Hello all, my website is https://www.wolk.studio/professional. How can I change the navigation menu to display the exact same color on hovering like the active page the the moment. At the moment when I hover over CONTACT for example it gets lighter color with lower opacity and I want it to look exactly like the active page - It should look like this - example website: https://www.shortstache.com/contact Thank you in advance.
  8. @tuanphan Thank you very much, but it didn't help with the hover effect on the mobile version when you are viewing from a mobile device. Check https://www.shortstache.com/professional on your mobile device, please. Is there a way to make like in the example - on the first touch the hover effect and the title appear and on the second touch of the screen you will enter the specific portfolio project?
  9. Hello @tuanphan, I have the same problem with all the hover effects not showing on the mobile version in the portfolio images when scrolling. My website is https://www.wolk.studio/professional and I want to have the text position, hover effects and darkening of the image like in the following example https://www.shortstache.com/professional As far as I see his hover effect works on the first touch and then on the second touch the portfolio project is opening. Could you suggest the CSS ? Thank you very much in advance.
  10. Hello @melody495, not the font family name is the problem. The resizing of the font also does not work. It must be something with the CSS selector idk.
  11. Hello all, this is my contact form - https://www.wolk.studio/contact As you can see the CSS does not effect the (required) font size and the captions for some strange reason. Here is the current CSS: //CONTACT FORM // For the Form @font-face {font-family:TabletGothic; src:url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/65a4f0d085c986465cc1e281/t/65a7d0831d1fbf08554873ab/1705496707549/Tablet+Gothic+Compressed+W02Th.ttf) } .form-wrapper .field-list .title { font-family: TradeGothic; font-size: 5px; color: #000000; letter-spacing: .10em; text-transform: none; } .form-wrapper .field-list .description { font-family: TradeGothic; font-size: 5px; color: #000; letter-spacing: .1em; text-transform: none; } .form-wrapper .field-list .field .caption { font-size:5px; font-family:'TradeGothic'; color:none; } I am want to make it look like this one Thank you in advance.
  12. This doesn't work for me: I want to have it like : this (the next button also fades in go to the next page) So I need to place it in the middle. Remove the previous button from all pages, change the font, remove the arrow and leave just the text NEXT and give it a little fade in when you go to the next page.
  13. Hello, could you suggest how to move the titles to this position: This is the website: https://www.wolk.studio/professional Thank you in advance.
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