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  1. Thanks @tuanphan, in the mobile preview (in Chrome) on my desktop, it works, but unfortunately, the issue is still not resolved on my Smartphone in Safari. Do you have any other ideas?
  2. Hello, I need your help! I found a way to make the accordion titles clickable links, but now there's a problem elsewhere. Because the titles now have a lot of punctuation marks, there's a lot of empty space under the accordion section in the mobile version, which is not intended. Is there a way to remove this empty space or close the gap there? I have attached screenshots for clarification. Thank you! lebendige-gaerten-hh.de pword: lebendigegaertenhh2023
  3. @tuanphan Have you been able to find out anything about the code yet?
  4. @tuanphan It would be really great if you could help me with this again. Many thanks in advance! 🙏
  5. Hi, I would like to set an image as a background behind 3 different but consecutive sections. Can anyone tell me if and how this is possible? Looking forward to your help! https://www.lebendige-gaerten-hh.de/ pword: lebendigegaertenhh2023
  6. @tuanphan Thank you for your help. Point number 3 worked well. Can you assist me with point number 2 now? It's only about the desktop version.
  7. @tuanphan Yes, for the images on the white background, I found a solution. For the overlapping image (in the screenshot), I would like to change the opacity of the color in the shadow (make it transparent). Do you have a suggestion for that?
  8. @tuanphan Yes, exactly, I want all of them to be open simultaneously but also manually closable. Is that possible?
  9. @tuanphan #1 Thank you for helping with the arrow; it worked. Now, I'd like to make the underline a bit bolder. Can you assist with that as well? #2 Exactly, when hovering over it, the dropdown menu should be displayed either instead of the main menu or to the right of it. Is it possible for you to send me a solution for both variants? #3 Unfortunately, not yet. As you can see in the screenshots attached, the spacing between the links in the dropdown menu is still larger than between the individual menu items in the main menu. How can I adjust the spacing? Thanks for your help 🙏
  10. @tuanphan It's about this image (on the left) which can be found on the homepage. I'd like to apply the same effect to other images on different pages as well.
  11. @tuanphan I've implemented it on this page > https://www.lebendige-gaerten-hh.de/ueber-uns
  12. Hi, I have a few questions about styling the page menu. I have created a menu in the mobile style for my site, even for the desktop version. I have some requests for changes, and I need your help with them: How can I make the underline that appears when an item in the menu is active and the arrow of the dropdown folder for the "Services (Leistungen)" item appear slightly bolder? Both elements should be stylistically adjusted to match the font weight. Is there a way to have the dropdown folder in the desktop version appear not by clicking but by hovering over it? In this case, the "Back" option in the dropdown menu would need to disappear. How can I change the line spacing in the dropdown menu (the spacing between individual items is unfortunately much larger than in the main menu)? It should be adjusted to match the spacing of the items in the main menu. Looking forward to your help! https://www.lebendige-gaerten-hh.de/ lebendigegaertenhh2023
  13. Hi, I would like all items in the accordion section to be open when the page is opened. However, they should be manually closable when on the page. Can someone help me with this? https://www.lebendige-gaerten-hh.de/ lebendigegaertenhh2023
  14. Hi, I would like to create a drop shadow with 50% opacity for a specific image. Can someone help me with the code? https://www.lebendige-gaerten-hh.de/ lebendigegaertenhh2023
  15. @tuanphan can you help me with the JavaScript code for the link in the form block text (as described above)? That would be great!
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