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Posts posted by melody495

  1. Ok, after some searching... I effectively want a table, but didn't realise it is already a hot topic! e.g. no built-in solution for table in SquareSpace. More here 



    But my design is very simple, so I did a simple code work-around

    // left align all text blocks on mobile view
    @media screen and (max-width:640px) {
      section[data-section-id="652020b622bd57024793ce92"] .sqs-html-content p{
        text-align: left !important;


    I can keep the editing native and works on mobile too, problem solved!

  2. Hi, I've created an events page using text blocks and line blocks, got it to how I want it to look on Desktop, but on mobile the layout is messy. What's the best thing to do so I can have on

    • desktop, Name = left aligned, Location = centre, Date = right aligned,
    • mobile, all left aligned and stacked

    Looking for a non-code solution if possible. Any suggestions much appreciated, thanks!


    password: wpGNeG9jZ5diGiM




  3. On 10/28/2023 at 4:43 AM, ShortAngryViking said:

    also keen on this look

    blog one:

    blog two

    but I do not know how to frame them



    For some reason I can't right click within your website so can't check.... Try this in your custom code?

    .blog-basic-grid--container {
    	border: 1px solid red; // change to colour you want
    	padding: 2rem; // change to how much spacing you want all around
    	padding-bottom: 2.5rem; // change to how much spacing you want at the bottom


  4. Hi you need to name them different names. like below

    @font-face {
    	font-family: 'fooMedium'; // This is the name you give for this custom font. Rename as necessary
    	src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63fe423ae838510284cc600a/t/64e931aeb04dfe430c64ba41/1693004206450/FooDisplay-Medium.otf);
    @font-face {
    	font-family: 'fooMediumItalic'; // This is the name you give for this custom font. Rename as necessary
    	src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63fe423ae838510284cc600a/t/653d4ba84a828f0d57e00f5b/1698515880826/FooDisplay-MediumItalic.otf);


    Then to set your h1 and h2 to use your custom fonts, you call them like this

    h1 {
    	font-family: 'fooMedium'; // put what font you want to use here
    	letter-spacing: normal;
    h2 {
    	font-family: 'fooMediumItalic'; // put what font you want to use here
    	letter-spacing: normal;}


    If this has helped you out, let me know by marking as solution, or choose a reaction ----> 👇

  5. Edit: I think the main problem is your custom code are using deprecated syntax. e.g. align and font tag are deprecated (html4), so you might need to check all your custom code to make sure they work for html5.


    This line, the style syntax is wrong. Change from

    <h1 align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">


    <h1 align="center" style="color: #FFFFFF">

    Or you can change the font colour in this block, by adding color: #FFFFFF 

    .txt-type > .txt {
      border-right: 0.08rem solid #fff;
      padding-right: 2px;
      /* Animating the cursor */
      animation: blink 0.6s infinite;

    Also, not sure if align="center" is working for you. 


    If you can share a link to your website, can check easier.


    If this has helped you out, let me know by marking as solution, or choose a reaction ----> 👇

  6. It happens! Change the below to new line

    .sqs-block-form .field-list .caption {


    .sqs-block-form .field-list .caption-text {


    "Required" is part of the "Your Name" title. Best to move the text "Required" to after "First Name" and "Last Name", so you can set the font.

    Edit: so type "First Name (required)" and "Last Name (required)". and remove from "Your Name".

  7. Display none doesn't remove the element, it's still there, just not showing. In your case, first-letter is styling the quotation mark in the <span>. But, Firefox (sounds like safari also) treats certain characters as letters. In your case the quotation in the span is the first-letter. A bug perhaps? But any characters around the first real letter is being treated as part of the first-letter selection, so it's just lucky that it worked on Firefox (and safari).

    Not sure what's the best solution. Let's see... or someone else might be able to help.

    Edit: assuming there is no built-in option to use your own quotation mark in the block?

  8. 23 hours ago, Dilon said:

    Hi @tuanphan , I would like to create an image in my site, and replace it with a custom whatsapp image with text etc and make it clickable. How do I make it so when customer clicks this button, it will pop out a new tab to whatsapp, quite similar to version 1 that you suggest, just that it is for a specific image, therefore would require a link for the image.  Thank you for your guidance!

    You can upload your own image and replace the <img> scr link in the code with yours.


  9. 6 minutes ago, bengroner said:

    @melody495, Thank you for helping out too. I do have a Business Plan, but still don't see the custom code function. And I've looked all around Site Styles, and I don't have the Colors section you took have a screenshot of. I wish I did, because that would be an easy fix. Do some templates have more options to edit than others? Mine has lots of options for the site, header, main, footer, and mobile, but that's about it. The only two things under Content: Colors is "Body Text" and "Links." Is there another way to pull up those Summary Block options you have?

    Content Colors.png

    Hi,  for custom code, try Website -> scroll to the bottom of Pages, click Website Tools under Utilities -> click Custom Code.

    What's the first page you see when you click on Site Styles?

  10. 1 hour ago, bengroner said:


    Thank you for the quick response! I am open to a code solution, so I appreciate you writing it out for me. However, when I go to the Design tab, it doesn't show Custom CSS like the tutorial says. I only have the options:  Logo & Title, Template, Site Styles, and Squarespace Badge. Once I find the Custom CSS box, I'll give this code a try. Do I just copy and paste it exactly as you've written it, or should I type it in myself? (I feel like I've seen the CSS box before, I just don't know where it could have gone.) 

    You need Business Plan or above to use custom code.

    Try go to Site Styles -> Colors -> choose the relevant themes for your section, click edit -> Find Summary Block -> Excerpt Color


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