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  1. Hi, Bit of a strange one: does any one have any idea why the dropdown arrow would no longer be displaying correctly and is now a diamond? I don't have any custom css running...I have updated my browser and it still seems to appear when viewing on two machines. Screenshots provided to show what I mean. Happens within individual product pages as well as the main page. I even made an entirely new site from scratch to see if I had done something wrong and missed a bit of added code but no, it occurs on a fresh build as well. any ideas gratefully received *edit* should also add this occurs on the carousel arrows as well. I have no idea whats going on.
  2. Yes thats perfect! wish I knew more how this works and why the other didn't, but thats great thanks! any ideas on the other bits?
  3. sorry missed your answer sooner, thanks for that, how does the first one work? I'll give that link a read and see what I can make sense of!
  4. Hi, Ok so I have a few questions with things I've encountered whilst putting a store together (7.1), I'm slowly getting my head round it but some stuff is throwing me which I hope I can find solutions to, I think they're related to styling and hopefully not too code-involved to fix: First one: I have a site-wide logo, a png of grey text that sits on the white background of the header (pretty normal), on the store front page I have a dark header background image, the dark text is now obscured. to fix this I added the following to the store index page (advanced> page header code injection) referencing a new white text png: <style> div.header-title-logo a { content:url("white text png URL here") !important; max-height: 45px; } </style> it works great on the store front. However, when clicking on an individual store item, the page that opens retains this and doesnt go back to the grey text logo...any ideas how to fix it so just the store front is affected - OR how to add some sort of background to the product page? The "edit section" of the product page offers no help (Can't add a background) and a change in header colour is global. My next question: is how to fix some styling on the product page itself. I have the item format set to "simple" with a picture on the left, a title and description (with varient options etc) on the right. Weirdly the info on the right has a 60px top padding shifting it down on the page relative to the photo on the left. I've tried adding: { @media screen and (min-width: 768px) .tweak-product-basic-item-content-alignment-top .ProductItem-details, .tweak-product-basic-item-gallery-design-stacked .ProductItem-details { padding-top: 0px !important; } } to the custom CSS (website tools panel). It had no affect. I can't find anything useful in the 'spacing' part of the site styles panel. There seems to be a lot of padding between the item details and the 'additional info' below it (which seems fixed on some fade-in thing, Additional info page feels like the older 7.0 ui!) Lastly I seem to be getting some odd behaviour with the styling, sometimes the top menu displays as uppercase, other times it's lowercase...I'm not sure why! If you've made it this far; thanks for any suggestions!
  5. sounds like a combination of the two might be the way forwards then, duplicate a few instances and then copy/paste inside a csv file 👍
  6. Ah ok, thanks. Yes I saw an option to duplicate whilst trying to figure this one out but was hoping for a slightly slicker approach. So there’s currently no way to batch edit items with similar variants? They have to be done one by one (or duplicated from an original)
  7. Hi, I've started putting a store together (in 7.1) and was wondering how best to achieve editing multiple items to have the same options? To add context: setting up a store to sell photos, currently all will have the same variant options (size/finish etc), is there a way to bulk edit those options so they apply to each item or do I have to add them to each manually as I add a new item to the store? I have been looking but not sure I've been using the correct search terms to find a useful answer (I dont think I mean/need the upload of an excel edited file, or do I?)
  8. Sorry to bump this, still trying to hunt down a solution but not sure there is one without lots of fiddling around with tons of custom code - something I thought would this platform's strength 😬
  9. I think you misunderstand my question. I am fully aware how it's done as a portfolio page. My question was how to create the same text-hover effect/background change but as part of a 'normal' non-portfolio page. I like the portfolio hover effect style but dont want the links to go to a gallery but instead, lets say for example, an about page or contact page, or something else... So, is that possible?
  10. Hi, again something I seem to want 7.1 to do (that 7.0 has!): In 7.1 you can make a portfolio start page have a full screen background image with gallery titles within the portfolio displayed in the centre of the page - when you hover over the titles (links) the background changes (a featured image from each gallery). So far so good. However, is it possible to have a similar functionality but with a non-portfolio page, the links of which leading to other pages (not necessarily a gallery)? I notice this sort of thing can be done with a cover page in 7.0 but their absence in 7.1 seems to make this particular behaviour not immediately obvious to emulate...
  11. Well, I've been playing around with it and on my mobile it still looks terrible - the in-built browser viewer is very misleading - text is always overlaying the image whatever I try (with my limited knowledge)... It seems such a simple thing yet can't get it working quite right. Is it always like this in 7.1?
  12. Thanks, yes this is getting there, definitely! Still getting a bit of text overlapping when viewed on a mobile (both horizontal and vertical). And I notice in the 7.0 one I'm trying to copy it scales the images better - not cropping. Is that a css thing I can tweek too?
  13. Hi, yes had a look and compared what was mentioned in the video and what I have already added and applied a mix of the two that does it correctly most of the way now: <style> .header, #footer-sections {display:none!important} @media only screen and (min-width:450px) { #page .page-section {height:100vh!important;width:50%!important;float: left;} #page .page-section:nth-child(2) {width:50%!important;float: right;} } </style> Looks ok in vertical mode (horizontal still seems to throw things around a bit which I can't work out). would be great to shrink the image heights by say 50% on mobile screens as they take up the entire height still...
  14. assuming i've done it correctly: everythingisawesome Also her video deals with a static background image, I've gone with a slideshow - a step too far? 🤷‍♂️
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