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  1. Thanks Ziggy - still not working on my end for some reason. Any other possibilities? Thanks for the help.
  2. I am looking to have my embedded iframe header ONLY appear on my home page. Does anyone know the code to have this done? Here is my current code: <iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="https://xd.adobe.com/embed/a42b60e7-298c-4428-a8a6-c8b95f04e482-f178/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe> Here is my website url: https://www.nikecba.com Thank you!!
  3. Hey Ziggy, thanks for the response. I tried inputting this a couple of different ways and it still doesn't seem to target my mobile navigation. Here is a screenshot of my mobile preview, still showing in Helvetica -
  4. Hey Ziggy, my website URL is https://www.nikecba.com , I will PM you the password as it is not live yet. Thanks!
  5. I have tried countless solutions in order to get my custom imported font to appear on my mobile preview - specifically, my mobile navigation menu. For the life of me, I cannot get my mobile menu to show the custom font. Here is the code I reverted back to, after trying countless code combinations found online: @font-face { font-family: ChakraPetch-Medium; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/64513a4734c55b0aac949cad/t/6451521b6dd392570c03f9a5/1683051035425/ChakraPetch-Medium.ttf) } header#header *, h1, h2, h3, p { font-family: 'ChakraPetch-Medium'; I would simply like this font to be applied to my entire website - mobile navigation menu included. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks!
  6. I've been searching for answers but can't seem to find a solution here. When I preview my site for desktop, my embedded top header scroll bar appears right below my navigation, as it should. However, when I preview on mobile, the header appears above my navigation bar, with a large padding/empty space surrounding. Here is the code for my embedded header, nothing modified apart from the percentages: <iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="https://xd.adobe.com/embed/a42b60e7-298c-4428-a8a6-c8b95f04e482-f178/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe> The attached screenshot is how my site is appearing on mobile. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks!!
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