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Everything posted by benstevens05

  1. @tuanphan I have used the code provided on this thread to hyperlink every list item. I am also using the following CSS to add a hover effect, however you can see that the border radius I applied to the image doesn't translate on hover? https://www.oppidaneducation.kr/home (2nd section) .user-items-list-simple .list-image { border-radius: 15px 15px 0px 0px !important; } .list-item img { transform: scale(1); transition: 500ms; overflow: hidden !important; } .list-item:hover img { transform: scale(1.05); transition: 500ms; }
  2. Hi, I'd like to make the 'slide' animation more subtle and change the distance the elements move when I scroll so the effect is more subtle. https://www.emmaainscough.com/studio Thanks, Ben
  3. Yes I did. It worked for that particular issue thanks but not around the rest of the site.
  4. Hi @Web_Solutions, thanks for getting back to me. However it's happening around the site with blocks resizing on the live site so I'm looking for a site wide solution? Thanks
  5. Hi, I'm using code blocks to create a custom button but the elements change size on my live site (sizing is normal within Fluid Engine). In this example, 'Top Independent Schools' is a code block and on the live site the 'How it works' button next to it becomes much larger. https://www.oppidaneducation.com/families/11-plus-journey
  6. Thanks @Ziggy, that worked! And how do I make the columns all align? You can see they're not quite straight.
  7. Hi, how can I make a vertical line stretch the full height of the code frame? I have the following CSS: .vertical-line { height: 800px; width: 2px; background: #eeeeee; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; } I've tried changing 'height' to 'auto' and '100%' but the line just disappears. https://www.oppidaneducation.com/families/ucas-journey#how-it-works
  8. Hi, what code do I need to add to format the checkbox options into multiple columns? https://www.oppidaneducation.com/families/11-plus-journey#top-independent-schools
  9. I've placed the following code into the page header code injection into the Interview Masterclass course page. It styles the navigation on scroll but is obviously affecting the course levels within the course which I don't want: <style> header#header img { content: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/632334889a72c4229a80d565/t/634fbc80c1d7123d9ee8a4a3/1666169984378/Oppidan+Education+1+Dark.png); } .shrink .header-title-logo img { visibility: hidden; } .shrink .header-title-logo a { background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/632334889a72c4229a80d565/t/634fbc8686f458657486f7d2/1666169990610/Oppidan+Education+1.png); background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; } body.header--menu-open .shrink .header-title-logo img { visibility: hidden; } body.header--menu-open .shrink .header-title-logo a { background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/632334889a72c4229a80d565/t/634fbc80c1d7123d9ee8a4a3/1666169984378/Oppidan+Education+1+Dark.png); background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; } .shrink .header-nav-item a { color: #132a42 !important; } .shrink .header-actions-action--cta:before { color: #132a42 !important; } .header-nav-folder-content a { color: #132a42 !important; } .shrink .burger { -webkit-filter: invert(100%); filter: invert(100%); } .mega-menu-on .header-title-logo img { visibility: hidden; } .mega-menu-on .header-title-logo a { background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/632334889a72c4229a80d565/t/634fbc8686f458657486f7d2/1666169990610/Oppidan+Education+1.png); background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; } .mega-menu-on .header-actions-action--cta:before { color: #132a42 !important; } </style>
  10. Hi, I'm creating some landing pages for PPC and would like to change the header button on a specific page to be a Typeform pop up. What code injection is required? https://www.oppidaneducation.com/families/gcse-tutoring Thanks!
  11. Thanks, that worked! And how do I get the button to fill the frame within Fluid Engine, like it does with regular button blocks?
  12. Hi @tuanphan I've added code where you inject code for the Course page, but it is applying to the Course Content pages which I don't want. The code relates to header changes on scroll.
  13. Hi Leopold, the URL is https://www.oppidaneducation.com/interview-masterclass Ben
  14. Hi, Is there any way to apply custom code to the Course Overview page but NOT the Course Content pages? I've added code into the 'page header code injection' but obviously it's applying to all pages within the course. Thanks, Ben
  15. But it's only an issue on a few pages/sections, so I'm reluctant to change the fonts sitewide.
  16. Hi @tuanphan, The button is on https://www.oppidaneducation.com/families/11-plus-journey-tutoring under the header "11+ tutoring that goes above and beyond." Thanks so much, Ben
  17. @Ziggy, thanks. I don't suppose there's another reason/solution that things are changing shaped? Thanks, Ben
  18. Hi Ziggy, thanks for looking into this. My screen size is the same when I'm in the Editor as when I view the live site, yet the sizing is fine in the Editor. I previously had that heading text block as part of the text block below and still had the same issue? It's also happening to the buttons in the section at the top of page. Ben
  19. Hi, Some buttons and shapes become bigger on the live site. I make them a certain size on the fluid engine editor but then become larger on the live site. Can anyone help? Thanks, Ben
  20. Hi, I've embedded a Typeform pop up button but can't figure out how to style it with CSS (change the font, make it bigger etc). Alternatively, is there a way to link the Typeform pop up to a regular Squarespace button? You can find the button under the headline "11+ tutoring that goes above and beyond." Thanks for any help in advance! Ben
  21. Hi, I'm having trouble in Fluid Engine using code and embed blocks. I get the message "Embedded Scripts" when I create a button with HTML, which makes the block bigger and affects padding/spacing with other elements. This seems to be a shortfall with the Editor as I can't remove the error message and position the code block as normal.
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