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  1. I forgot to add my website, it is gamereadytech.com
  2. On my website I have a store that offers prebuilt options for my customers, but often they would like something customized for their needs. I've been creating custom items in the store but they are visible to everyone which isn't ideal. Is there a way I can have custom listings that are completely hidden that I can still offer to clients?
  3. I don't want to repost since usually that's considered poor practice but is there anyone available to offer help? I've been working on a few other things and this has since ended up on the backburner a bit and I'm back to take a crack at it again.
  4. the preset is a version of https://cruip.com/demos/ellie/ that I downloaded mostly as a test to see if adding it to my website was even possible. I don't have a page public on my website to show but it's just a blank page without anything on it currently
  5. Hello all, I've been working on my website, and I really need a few landing pages. The trouble is that none of the landing page solutions are free or very appealing and offer a lot of features that we won't really need. Ideally I would like to create custom landing pages that are hosted directly on my website that allow me to link custom content without having clients leaving the site, and I've found a few templates that I feel I could build off. The problem is that I don't really see a way to import a website html file to squarespace without losing the embedded JS and CSS. If anyone can point me in the direction of documentation or any kind of learning resource I'd be very appreciative. Thank you, GRT
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