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  1. Hi @tuanphan, this works perfect! How can we implement the first icon (words in a circle with an arrow) just as a plain image? Currently, it works as a hyperlink. In other words: It would be great to learn how to write in a circle. Thanks in advance!
  2. Dear @tuanphan, can you please also explain how the filter was designed on this site: https://www.cecelinatornberg.co.uk/work Is this based on a blog, a portfolio or just a collection of normal sites? I like that the whole page does not refresh while filtering and I love the simplicity of the font without any tabs. Thanks in advance!
  3. Ok, have solved this with the help of the notes in your footer, @tuanphan 🙂 #newtosquarespace 😉
  4. Hi Tuanphan, I'd also like to resize images for mobile screens. Have seen a few of your code examples which all feature a version of div#block-yui............ Can you please explain what that means and how I can find out what to put behind div#block-yui? Thanks in advance! Christina
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