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  1. Is there an 'official' Squarespace newsletter/dev update/etc that one may sign up for to get notified of these changes in Advance? It would be nice to know. Or does SS just update and not tell anybody? I feel like I'm missing the 'press releases' about updates and then one day I log in and I can't figure out where the heck my tools are.
  2. They must be changing some things in the editor. My editor layout is different (with no notice, mind you!) and I am having the same problem you are with buttons. Fonts aren't saving for items like buttons and they keep reverting. So you're not alone! ;) I'm going to file a support issue.
  3. Yes this is what's happening, and I cannot figure it out. It's frustrating. It seems to happen for me every time.
  4. This started about 2 weeks ago... Anytime I drag pages (folders are ok) in the "Pages" section, they disappear. Squarespace official support said to remove website data and try a diff browser. Clearing web data (in latest Safari on latest MacOS) shows the pages again and where they 'jumped' to. BUT dragging will again cause this issue. It is also happening in Firefox. I downloaded Chrome, that was never on this machine, and it happens there, too. Anybody else experiencing this or know of a fix? I felt as tho SS official support just blew me off, the support person just said "well it doesn't happen for me". Feeling stuck and any ideas would be much appreciated. Pages.mp4
  5. Oh thank heavens! Scroll down to the bottom of the add section sidebar on the left. At the bottom there will be a link (in small grey text) to add a section with Classic Editor! The Fluid engine doesn't handle things very well responsively. On mobile things are not in order and get jumbled up. I think the Fluid Engine looks really great and would be a VERY cool custom section for the few times you really need to do a fancy, layered, dynamic layout like a magazine spread, but it's not good for predictable web design. I upgraded (in a test luckily!) a few of our pages and secitons and it broke the layout horribly on mobile. What a shame. One of the best things about Squarespace has always been it's more "rigid" column layout that always created predictably great looking sites/pages on any screen. This seems like things will get far less nice looking. I know it's new and I'll need time to get used to it, but it feels like I have do A LOT more mental overhead work for planning on how to layout a page. Please keep this option for Classic sections! Thanks!
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