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Everything posted by designbyjrs

  1. The new code works! Thank you so much!
  2. @Lesum I added the code and updated the background-image url, but unfortunately it didn't work. Do you mind giving it a second look?
  3. Yes @Lesum, it's this specific page: https://www.forbesfunctions.com/contact
  4. Hello! My site logo blends into the background of my open mobile menu! I'd like to replace the logo with a different colored version but only when the mobile menu is open. So far I haven't found any helpful code to target the logo in this instance. Thanks in advance! Julia
  5. @creedon Thank you so much, I just tried your code and it worked!! I do have one additional ask: I'm hoping to style the Sign In button as the rest of the nav links (light-colored text, no blue background). Is this possible? Edit: Never mind, I figured it out. Thanks again!
  6. @tuanphan wow, such a simple solution. Thank you!
  7. Hello! I am attempting to create (what should be) an easy testimonial section layout. See attached for what I'm going for. I've managed to just about achieve this through CSS and a 7.1 list section. However, I can't seem to get the image to line up with the testimonial on its right. https://halibut-flugelhorn-ej3d.squarespace.com/ Site pw is recess. Thanks for your help! Julia
  8. Thank you both for these solutions! Unfortunately I am unable to try them out at this time, as I would need to purchase a SS subscription and this is a client website. Once my client has purchased it, I'll be sure to try these out and update this thread.
  9. @Ziggy The "sign in" nav item will link to an external site.
  10. Hi! I'm looking to move the last nav link ("sign in") so that it's on the other side of the logo, to the left of the button. Site pw is recess. https://halibut-flugelhorn-ej3d.squarespace.com/ Thanks! Julia
  11. Here's the link! Pw is pleasehelp https://garlic-orb-gdec.squarespace.com/
  12. It worked!! Thank you Tuanphan, you coding legend.
  13. Hello all! I'm looking to create this look with CSS (see attached). The only thing I can't figure out is the offset outline. Maybe some type of box-shadow property would work? Thanks in advance! Julia
  14. Hi all! Is there any way to target specific links in the main menu using CSS? For example, I'm looking to make each link in my main menu a different color. https://garlic-orb-gdec.squarespace.com/ PW to site is pleasehelp 🙂 Julia
  15. Hi all! Is there any way to target specific links in the main menu using CSS? For example, I'm looking to make each link in my main menu a different color. https://garlic-orb-gdec.squarespace.com/ PW to site is pleasehelp. 🙂 Julia
  16. Hi! I'm a designer setting up a website for a client. This client offers mini golf, and would like me to set up booking for tee times through their website. Unfortunately, even though I've used SS Scheduling before, I cannot figure it out. It would need to be as follows: Tee times starting every 10 minutes. Ticket pricing is Adult $12, Child $10, Kids 5 and under are free. I've tried setting this up as an appointment, with Adult, Child, and Kid as add-ons. The issue with this is that you cannot add multiple of each add-on to an appointment. If anyone can figure out a way to set this up, that'd be great! Thanks in advance!
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