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  1. Many thanks for you help ! I modofied the code to work in reverse: .user-items-list-item-container[data-section-id="62ffdd571fe4027515d357c3"] li img { filter: grayscale(100%); } .user-items-list-item-container[data-section-id="62ffdd571fe4027515d357c3"] li:hover img { transition: 0.5s; filter: grayscale(0%); } .user-items-list-item-container[data-section-id="62ffdd571fe4027515d357c3"] .user-items-list-carousel__slide { pointer-events: initial !important; } The Transition property also makes it a little more elegant. Cool and thank you for your time !
  2. Hi, thanks for your help: https://pastille.london/construction-custom-woodwork
  3. The following page shows a simple way to achieve a greyscale solution, but I cannot seem to get it to work on the carousel: #user-items-list-carousel__slides user-items-list-carousel__slides--initialized:hover img {filter: grayscale(50%)}
  4. Is it possible to apply a black and white filter by default to the desktop version of a Testimonial carousel so that only on a mouse-over event would an item fade into full colour ?
  5. It's a real maze to achieve that, why is the customer service form so convoluted ?!
  6. Naturally, a work in progress, I would like to know when the option to auto-fill an Invoice from an existing customer will be on offer please ? Also, it would be so much more convenient to do this through your dedicated app, as I am sure is planned.
  7. This one seems to have slipped through the net, under Appointments, whereby the plural is used over the singular for a single minute listing.
  8. Thanks codeAndTonic for the info on this. Once again, Squarespace seems to be a little under developed in certain areas, and I would have expected this to be snapped up already, it seems like such an obvious omission. In fact, when adding imagery, there should be a dark/light option.
  9. For anybody with time I would like to request you review our website: pastille.london We sell services through Acuity Schedular, but some need to be requested and so there is no price, as it is negotiable. We also have a WhatsApp chat module 09:00-21:00 (GMT) mon-sun. We have gone for a lightweight look, stylish and unfussy. Please let me know if the structure makes sense, if it's easy to navigate, and any other feedback. Many thanks !
  10. Yes, I noticed that change. Very glad to see it. It's good that these boards are monitored.
  11. This feature looks very complicated, I just expected it to work. Surely this could be managed by the system ?
  12. Is it a known issue that text fields do not fully display the placeholder text ?
  13. Why when changing a Page's "URL Slug" do any corresponding links not update with the change ? Would it not be better to have symbolic links, rather than actual hard coded ones ?
  14. We know of another user that uses the Acuity Schedular to book Appointments, and would like to sell some of their select services on our site. Is it possible to use the Acuity Schedular on one website, that directly link unto another ?
  15. I am not familliar with CSS, I take it then that I could have something similar to the colour paletes on the GUI side of Squarespace and just link to the colour profile I wanted ? Basically, I wanted one set of colours for one page, and another for a different one. Is that possible using id's please i.e. page specific.
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