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Everything posted by BethanyBoss

  1. @tuanphan — It's not aligning properly still. Is there another way to tweak the CSS so that it's more responsive?
  2. @paul2009 or @tuanphan — I'm hoping one of you can help me! I've been tracking this thread and trying the custom code you've suggested and I'm still having issues. The site is https://openroadbikes.com/shop (password: forthethrillofit) The cart is way off the page: What I'd like is to have it exactly where Squarespace's cart typically appears (to the left of the header button): And same thing on mobile (making sure the Lightspeed / Ecwid cart essentially replaces the Squarespace cart with the same positioning):
  3. @tuanphan — That didn't work for me, I've got it in there now and still see that color flash upon page load. And yes, it's in that first "hero" section. Any advice?! 🙏🙏🙏
  4. Maybe @tuanphan knows the answer?! (I know you have lots of answers haha!)
  5. I need some help! I'm working on a website now (https://welcholsen.squarespace.com/) and upon initial page load, the background color "flashes" a light green (which is one of the other secondary colors set in the theme's palette). This is a problem on a few pages—the home page, the about us page, the resources page, etc. Has anyone else experienced this or know a solve?! I'm wondering if there's some setting on the backend causing it to think for a second that the background is actually light green? But I don't know! Any help is greatly appreciated. Color Background Glitch.mov
  6. @Lesum — You're the best!! That did the trick. Thank you so much.
  7. I've got the same issue, @tuanphan, but I'm not sure where "home" > "design" is. I tried putting your code under the gear icon for the home page > advanced > custom CSS snippet. But it just showed the code along the top of the website when applied. Any advice?! My URL is currently welcholsen.squarespace.com and right now, if I'm previewing on a smaller desktop / device size, the nav links wrap to two lines.
  8. @tuanphan I've seen that you've been helping so many people with custom CSS on their lock screens. You're awesome! I tried the code you gave to BVIDA, but I'm still having issues. Can you help me? This is the site: https://www.ohalaadoptions.org/ (PW for visibility is Nanas0) I'm adding a screenshot for reference. Basically I need to add spacing between the logo and the headline. I also would like to get rid of the white border that appears around the password field—it's like it's "activated". And I want to make the arrow in the password field white. Please advise!
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