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    djshiflet got a reaction from Bhavik in Introduce your business!   
    Hey there!

    My name is Dj Shiflet, I currently own numerous start up companies and am focusing on my own personal brand. You can visit my site here djshiflet.com - all built on the new fluid engine. My blog of resources and shop of digital products will be live later this week!
    Looking forward to connecting 🙂
  2. Like
    djshiflet got a reaction from Brent_Dickens in What visual element do you think makes your website stand out the most?   
    I would say good typography is key! 
    From my perspective there is so much detail you can get into when it comes to assigning your font sizes, colors, and hierarchy. It also looks very professional and creative when done right. 
  3. Like
    djshiflet got a reaction from Tiny_Coast in What visual element do you think makes your website stand out the most?   
    I would say good typography is key! 
    From my perspective there is so much detail you can get into when it comes to assigning your font sizes, colors, and hierarchy. It also looks very professional and creative when done right. 
  4. Like
    djshiflet reacted to Rik_Nvgtr in Dynamic colour change header menu   
    I am currently working on a website (7.1 blank template) where I am looking for that the header navigation links to change depending on the image that they scroll over (so for example on a light image we would like the text to be black, but as soon as the image is darker for the font to change to white).
    I have been trying to solve this with css only :
    /* Nav item color */
    .header-nav-item a{
      color: transparent;
      filter: invert(1) grayscale(1) contrast(9);
    Or with the color-Blend mode:
    /* Nav item color */
    .header-nav-item a{
      color: white !important;
      mix-blend-mode: multiply;
    Any help would be appreciated.

  5. Thanks
    djshiflet reacted to tuanphan in Image descriptions in Lightbox view only?   
    Add this code to Settings > Advanced > Code Injection > Footer
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var texts = document.getElementsByClassName('gallery-caption-content'); $('.gallery-lightbox-list .gallery-lightbox-item').each(function(idx, ele){ var text = texts[idx] var id = $(ele).attr('data-slide-url') if (text) { $(ele).append('<div id="' + id + '" class="light-caption">' + text.innerHTML + '</div>'); if ($(ele).attr('data-active')) { $(`#${id}`).css('visibility', 'visible') } } }) $('.gallery-masonry-lightbox-link').click(function() { var id = $(this).attr('href').split('=')[1] $('.light-caption').css('visibility', 'hidden') $(`#${id}`).css('visibility', 'visible') }) $('.gallery-lightbox').click(function() { $('.light-caption').css('visibility', 'hidden') var id = location.search.split('=')[1] $(`#${id}`).css('visibility', 'visible') }) }) </script> <style> .light-caption { visibility: hidden; } figcaption.gallery-caption.gallery-caption-grid-simple { display: none; } .gallery-lightbox-item[data-active='true'] .light-caption { visibility: visible; } .light-caption { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); display: block; width: 100%; padding: 10px; text-align: center; } figure:hover .light-caption { visibility: visible !important; } figure.gallery-lightbox-item { pointer-events: initial !important; } </style>  
  6. Thanks
    djshiflet reacted to jpeter in Image Description on Hover: Grid: Masonry 7.1   
    @Falconer You can try adding the CSS below to the page
    .gallery-caption-grid-masonry { opacity: 0; z-index: -1; transition: all .2s; position: absolute; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); left: 0; text-align: center; color: #fff; height: 100%; padding: 0; } .gallery-masonry-item:not(.has-clickthrough) .gallery-caption-grid-masonry:before { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); content: ""; display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; z-index: 999; opacity: 0; transition: all .5s; } .gallery-masonry-item.has-clickthrough:hover .gallery-caption-grid-masonry { z-index: 0; opacity: 1; height: auto; } .gallery-masonry-item:not(.has-clickthrough):hover .gallery-caption-grid-masonry { z-index: 0; opacity: 1; } .gallery-masonry-item:hover .gallery-caption-grid-masonry:before { opacity: 1; transition: all .5s; } .gallery-caption-grid-masonry .gallery-caption-wrapper { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .gallery-caption-grid-masonry p.gallery-caption-content { z-index: 1000; font-size: 1.3rem; } This will add the following effect:

  7. Like
    djshiflet got a reaction from Nick_SquareKicker in Introduce your business!   
    Hey there!

    My name is Dj Shiflet, I currently own numerous start up companies and am focusing on my own personal brand. You can visit my site here djshiflet.com - all built on the new fluid engine. My blog of resources and shop of digital products will be live later this week!
    Looking forward to connecting 🙂
  8. Love
    djshiflet reacted to codeandtonic in Javascript - custom theme toggle (ie light/dark mode)   
    Hi MayaViolet,
    👋 I'm the developer of the Automatic dark mode plugin for Squarespace. Will try to push you in the right direction.
    To make the dark mode plugin, I've spent 3+ months solving this problem. My plugin switches between 2 themes, but the way I've coded it would work for multiple color themes as well.
    Here's a video explanation on how I would solve this
    Squarespace 7.1 color themes
    Squarespace 7.1 has 10 different color themes that are easy to edit. The way they work is by adding a specific CSS class to the sections. 
    Here are the CSS classes and matching color themes:
    LIGHTEST 1: .white LIGHTEST 2: .white-bold LIGHT 1: .light LIGHT 2: .light-bold BRIGHT 1: .bright-inverse BRIGHT 2: .bright DARK 1: .dark DARK 2: .dark-bold DARKEST 1: .black DARKEST : .black-bold So basically, the way to code the functionality you're describing we would make a function that would add a specific css class to all sections on the page, thus making the entire page have a specific theme. The only smart way is to take advantage of the Squarespace 7.1 color themes!
    This function would remove the "wrong classes" from each section:
    // ℹ️ HELPER FUNCTION FOR REMOVING ALL THEME CLASSES EXCEPT DARK MODE CLASS var removeNonDarkModeClasses = function(){ var themeClasses = ['white', 'white-bold', 'light', 'light-bold', 'bright-inverse', 'bright', 'dark', 'dark-bold', 'black', 'black-bold']; //console.log("themeClasses: " + themeClasses); var filteredArray = themeClasses.filter(function(e) { return e !== darkModeClassName }) //console.log("other section classes but not dark mode class: " + filteredArray); $.each(filteredArray, function( index, value ) { darkmodeTargetedElements.removeClass(filteredArray[index]); }); }  
    ...this would add them back.
    // ℹ️ HELPER FUNCTION FOR ADDING BACK THE THEME CLASS FOR EACH SECTION var addBackNormalNonDarkModeClass = function(){ darkmodeTargetedElements.each(function(){ $(this).addClass($(this).attr("data-section-theme")); console.log("Adding back section class: " + $(this).attr("data-section-theme")); $(this).addClass($(this).attr("data-header-theme")); console.log("Adding back header class: " + $(this).attr("data-header-theme")); }); }  
    This would style all the sections with a specific class from the class list above
    var darkmodeTargetedElements = $(".page-section, .header"); darkmodeTargetedElements.addClass(darkModeClassName);  
    P.S. If you ever need help with advanced Squarespace coding, you can get in touch 🙂
    You could also look into the source code of the soultwin.studio's website. ⛔️ Do not copy, it's not legal.  But you can inspect and get inspired. The javascript that makes that functionality looks like this:
    (function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { /* Define vars ============================ */ const moods = [ { label: 'Editorial', fontFamily: 'SVG', fontSize: '8vw', letterSpacing: 0, color: 'f6f7f1', textTransform: 'uppercase', backgroundImage: '//static1.squarespace.com/static/58ef15f7d2b857e333d35434/t/5fd0df1826d54b3c06ddfc87/1607524128469/Editorial.gif', }, { label: 'Venom', fontFamily: 'Font Select One', fontSize: device.mobile() ? '16vw' : '9.5vw', letterSpacing: device.mobile() ? '-3px' : '-8px', color: '657034', textTransform: 'uppercase', backgroundImage: '//static1.squarespace.com/static/58ef15f7d2b857e333d35434/t/5fd0df5aab2d482295e9d729/1607524197530/Venom.gif', }, { label: 'Hot Embers', fontFamily: 'Font Select Three', fontSize: device.mobile() ? '12vw' : '8vw', letterSpacing: device.mobile() ? '-5px' : '-8px', color: 'F4663B', textTransform: 'uppercase', backgroundImage: 'https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58ef15f7d2b857e333d35434/t/5fd0e0971c49363a9b566c4a/1607524514270/MOSHED-2020-12-7-21-37-46+2.gif', }, { label: 'Lilac', fontFamily: 'Font Select Nine', fontSize: device.mobile() ? '15vw' : '8.5vw', letterSpacing: '-4px', color: 'ECE1EF', textTransform: 'capitalize', backgroundImage: '//static1.squarespace.com/static/58ef15f7d2b857e333d35434/t/5fc953f37fb1013a0d54db08/1607029747945/Lilac-09.jpeg', }, { label: 'Moonflower', fontFamily: 'Font Select Ten', fontSize: device.mobile() ? '15vw' : '9vw', letterSpacing: device.mobile() ? '-5px' : '-10px', color: '7197F8', textTransform: 'uppercase', backgroundImage: '//static1.squarespace.com/static/58ef15f7d2b857e333d35434/t/5fd0defda4b4ef2db6b12671/1607524109876/Moonflower.gif', }, { label: 'Dream Pop', fontFamily: 'Font Select Eleven', fontSize: device.mobile() ? '13vw' : '8.5vw', letterSpacing: '-4px', color: 'FFCFAB', textTransform: 'uppercase', backgroundImage: '//static1.squarespace.com/static/58ef15f7d2b857e333d35434/t/5fd0dee7b8bf0379e615c131/1607524080837/Dreampop.gif', }, { label: 'Library Card', fontFamily: 'Font Select Two', fontSize: device.mobile() ? '16vw' : '8.75vw', letterSpacing: 0, color: 'f4f1c0', textTransform: 'uppercase', backgroundImage: '//static1.squarespace.com/static/58ef15f7d2b857e333d35434/t/5fc953e4c19741784c99d8b1/1607029733001/Banana-09.jpeg', }, { label: 'Passionfruit', fontFamily: 'Font Select Twelve', fontSize: device.mobile() ? '27vw' : '12vw', letterSpacing: '-10px', color: '5B2A3D', textTransform: 'capitalize', backgroundImage: '//static1.squarespace.com/static/58ef15f7d2b857e333d35434/t/5fd0dffb28178304112e1a30/1607524356829/Passionfruit.gif', }, { label: 'Limelight', fontFamily: 'minerva-modern', fontSize: device.mobile() ? '14vw' : '10vw', letterSpacing: 0, color: 'E3F4D9', textTransform: 'uppercase', backgroundImage: '//static1.squarespace.com/static/58ef15f7d2b857e333d35434/t/5fca42456a94db17e49c979d/1607090758096/Limelight-09.jpeg', }, ]; function autoType(elementClass, typingSpeed) { $('.cursor').remove(); $('.text-js').css('opacity', 0); var thhis = $(elementClass); thhis.prepend( '<div class="cursor" style="right: initial; left:0;"></div>' ); thhis = thhis.find('.text-js'); var text = thhis.text().trim().split(''); var amntOfChars = text.length; var newString = ''; setTimeout(function () { thhis.css('opacity', 1); thhis.prev().removeAttr('style'); thhis.text(''); for (var i = 0; i < amntOfChars; i++) { (function (i, char) { setTimeout(function () { newString += char; thhis.text(newString); }, i * typingSpeed); })(i + 1, text[i]); } }, 0); } /* Make Customizer Draggable *- and define options ============================ */ _.map(moods, function (key) { $('#colorPickerSelect').append(` <div class="flex flex-align-center colors cursor-pointer"> <div class="w-24 ht-24 cursor-pointer" data-size="${key.fontSize}" data-image="${key.backgroundImage}" data-color-label="${key.label}" data-text-transform="${key.textTransform}" data-font="${key.fontFamily}" data-let-sp=${key.letterSpacing} data-color="#${key.color}" style="background: #${key.color} content-box;"></div> <p class="font-7 no-transform font-size-12 m-l-spacer-md m-y-spacer-none no-transform let-sp-1 text-dark">${key.label}</p> </div> `); }); autoType('.type-js', 150); $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').hide(); $('.pick-a-mood #handle').on('click', function () { $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').slideDown('fast'); $('#emptyColorState').remove(); $('#handle-plus').hide(); $('#handle-minus').show(); $('#customizer').removeClass('pick-a-mood').addClass('picking-color'); }); $('.colorChosen #handle').on('click', function () { $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').slideDown('fast'); $('#handle-plus').hide(); $('#handle-minus').show(); $('#customizer').removeClass('colorChosen').addClass('picking-color'); $('#activeColorContainer').hide().remove(); }); $('#handle-minus').on('click', function () { $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').slideUp(); $('#handle-plus').show(); $('#handle-minus').hide(); $('#customizer') .addClass('colorChosen') .removeClass('picking-color') .find('#colorPicker').append(` <div id="activeColorContainer" class="flex flex-column p-r-spacer-md"> <div class="flex flex-align-center colors cursor-pointer active"> <div class="w-24 ht-24 cursor-pointer" style="background: ${ localStorage.getItem('activeColor') ? localStorage.getItem('activeColor') : '#f6f7f1' } content-box; border-color: black"></div> <p class="font-5 font-size-24 m-l-spacer-md m-y-spacer-none no-transform text-dark">${ localStorage.getItem('activeColorLabel') ? localStorage.getItem('activeColorLabel') : 'Editorial' }</p> </div> </div> `); }); const ACTIVECOLOREL = $('#colorPicker').find( `[data-color="${localStorage.getItem('activeColor')}"]` ); if (localStorage.getItem('activeColor') === ACTIVECOLOREL.data('color')) { ACTIVECOLOREL.parent().addClass('active').find('div').css({ borderColor: 'black', }); if (localStorage.getItem('activeFont') === 'SVG') { $('#logoText').hide(); $('#logoSVG').show(); $('#logoSVG path').each(function (i) { var $item = $(this); $item.hide(); setTimeout(function () { $('.cursor').removeAttr('style'); $item.show(); }, 150 * i); }); } else { $('#logoSVG').hide(); $('#logoText').show(); } } if (!_.isNil(localStorage.getItem('activeColor'))) { $('#photo-container #photo-wrapper').css({ backgroundImage: `url(${localStorage.getItem('activeImage')})`, }); $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').hide(); $('#handle-plus').show(); $('#handle-minus').hide(); $('#handle').on('click', function () { $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').slideDown('fast'); $('#handle-plus').hide(); $('#handle-minus').show(); $('#customizer') .removeClass('colorChosen') .addClass('picking-color') .css({ backgroundColor: localStorage.getItem('activeColor') }); $('#activeColorContainer').fadeOut('fast').remove(); }); $('#customizer') .addClass('colorChosen') .removeClass('pick-a-mood picking-color') .find('#colorPicker').append(` <div id="activeColorContainer" class="flex flex-column p-r-spacer-md"> <div class="flex flex-align-center colors cursor-pointer active"> <div class="w-24 ht-24 cursor-pointer" style="background: ${localStorage.getItem( 'activeColor' )} content-box; border-color: black"></div> <p class="font-5 font-size-24 m-l-spacer-md m-y-spacer-none no-transform text-dark">${localStorage.getItem( 'activeColorLabel' )}</p> </div> </div> `); $('#main-container').css({ backgroundColor: localStorage.getItem('activeColor'), }); $('#logoText').css({ fontSize: localStorage.getItem('activeFontSize'), fontFamily: localStorage.getItem('activeFont'), letterSpacing: localStorage.getItem('activeLetSp'), textTransform: localStorage.getItem('activeTextTransform'), }); } else { $('#customizer').append(` <div id="emptyColorState" class="flex flex-column p-r-spacer-md"> <div class="flex flex-align-center cursor-pointer"> <div class="w-24 ht-24 cursor-pointer" style="background: transparent content-box; border: 1px solid; border-color: black"></div> <p class="font-5 font-size-24 m-l-spacer-md m-y-spacer-none no-transform text-dark">Editorial</p> </div> </div> `); $('#handle-plus').on('click', function () { $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').slideDown('fast'); $('#handle-plus').hide(); $('#handle-minus').show(); $('#customizer').removeClass('colorChosen').addClass('picking-color'); $('#activeColorContainer').hide().remove(); }); $('#logoSVG path').each(function (i) { var $item = $(this); $item.hide(); setTimeout(function () { $('.cursor').removeAttr('style'); $item.show(); }, 150 * i); }); } if (localStorage.getItem('activeFont') === 'Font Select Nine') { device.mobile() ? $('#logoText').css({ wordSpacing: '25px' }) : $('#logoText').css({ wordSpacing: '50px' }); } else { $('#logoText').css({ wordSpacing: 0 }); } if (localStorage.getItem('activeFont') === 'Font Select Twelve') { device.mobile() ? $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 0 }) : $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 0.4 }); } else { device.mobile() ? $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 0.75 }) : $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 1 }); } $('.select-clientele').hover( function () { $(this).removeAttr('href'); $('.marquee').show(); }, function () { $('.marquee').hide(); } ); $('#colorPickerSelect .colors').on('click', function () { let color = $(this).find('div').data('color'); let fontFamily = $(this).find('div').data('font'); let fontSize = $(this).find('div').data('size'); let letterSpacing = $(this).find('div').data('let-sp'); let textTransform = $(this).find('div').data('text-transform'); let backgroundImage = $(this).find('div').data('image'); var v = $(this).find('p').text(); if (fontFamily === 'SVG') { $('#logoText').hide(); $('#logoSVG').show(); $('#logoSVG path').each(function (i) { var $item = $(this); $item.hide(); setTimeout(function () { $('.cursor').removeAttr('style'); $item.show(); }, 150 * i); }); } else { $('#logoSVG').hide(); $('#logoText').show(); } localStorage.setItem('activeColor', color); localStorage.setItem('activeColorLabel', v); localStorage.setItem('activeFont', fontFamily); localStorage.setItem('activeFontSize', fontSize); localStorage.setItem('activeLetSp', letterSpacing); localStorage.setItem('activeTextTransform', textTransform); localStorage.setItem('activeImage', backgroundImage); $(this).toggleClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); if ($(this).hasClass('active')) $(this).find('div').css({ borderColor: 'black' }); $('#main-container').css({ backgroundColor: color }); $('#logoText').css({ fontFamily, fontSize, letterSpacing, textTransform, }); if (fontFamily === 'Font Select Nine') { device.mobile() ? $('#logoText').css({ wordSpacing: '25px' }) : $('#logoText').css({ wordSpacing: '50px' }); } else { $('#logoText').css({ wordSpacing: 0 }); } if (fontFamily === 'Font Select Twelve') { device.mobile() ? $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 0 }) : $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 0.4 }); } else { device.mobile() ? $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 0.75 }) : $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 1 }); } autoType('.type-js', 150); $('#photo-container #photo-wrapper').css({ backgroundImage: `url(${backgroundImage})`, }); if (!$('#customizer').hasClass('colorChosen')) { $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').slideUp(); $('#handle-plus').show(); $('#handle-minus').hide(); $('#customizer') .addClass('colorChosen') .removeClass('picking-color') .css({ backgroundColor: color }) .find('#colorPicker').append(` <div id="activeColorContainer" class="flex flex-column p-r-spacer-md"> <div class="flex flex-align-center colors cursor-pointer active"> <div class="w-24 ht-24 cursor-pointer" style="background: ${color} content-box; border-color: black"></div> <p class="font-5 font-size-24 m-l-spacer-md m-y-spacer-none no-transform text-dark">${v}</p> </div> </div> `); } }); }); })(jQuery);  
  9. Like
    djshiflet reacted to johnbuedel in Animate Archive List Links   
    Hey, all. I figured it out. Here's the code if you need it. Also, I added some JS to put the blog posts in alphabetical. If you'd like me to drop that in here, let me know. 
    .archive-item { display: flex; width: auto; } .archive-item-link:after { display: flex; content: ''; width: 0px; height: 3px; transition: width .5s ease; } .archive-item-link:hover:after { width: 100%; background: black; }  

  10. Love
    djshiflet reacted to tuanphan in How do I link a folder title within the navigation to a page in 7.1   
    Add to Home > Settings > Advanced > Code Injection > Footer
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('.header-nav-folder-title[href="/services-1"]').click(function() { window.location = "/services"; }); }); </script>  
  11. Like
    djshiflet reacted to tuanphan in List block image links   
    Do this. And we will check & give the code
  12. Love
    djshiflet reacted to CherryTree in Making a randomized loading page   
    Okay, so after searching for the 50th time, I somehow stumbled across this Q&A that I hadn't seen before. So tweaking that, I got:
    <div class="logoload"></div> <style> .logoload {   /* SET BACKGROUND COLOR */   background-color: #E6E4E8;   /* SET BACKGROUND SIZE */   background-size: 1000px;   position: fixed;   left: 0px;   top: 0px;   width: 100%;   height: 100%;   z-index: 9999;   background-position: center;   background-repeat: no-repeat; } </style> <span id="top"></span> Footer:
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">     $(document).ready(function() {      var arr = ["https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7c90a287971afb84858/1626073033610/LP+quote+1.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7ccaa30721e650da8c5/1626073036294/LP+quote+2.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7d2f229ba2ea8557b8e/1626073042282/LP+quote+3.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7d4dc37083541d6b11d/1626073044510/LP+quote+4.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7d6c22c005c93572b3a/1626073046893/LP+quote+5.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7d9aa30721e650da8da/1626073049297/LP+quote+6.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7db320dbd0de29ebff0/1626073051316/LP+quote+7.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7dd66be7e490f2e65a8/1626073053378/LP+quote+8.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7e0787dde1a90cc9e70/1626073056313/LP+quote+9.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7e419a9f87deb91cefd/1626073060561/LP+quote+10.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7e7566ded7d61cab84d/1626073063392/LP+quote+11.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7ea2f3c4128e1a8c7e1/1626073066224/LP+quote+12.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7edf4fe78435a5864d4/1626073069328/LP+quote+13.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7f0f4fe78435a5864d5/1626073072035/LP+quote+14.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7f22f3c4128e1a8c7ef/1626073074813/LP+quote+15.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7f52c5c2f6215e738b9/1626073077525/LP+quote+16.png", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eebcfe57f948c024906fe27/t/60ebe7f892abcc18c414639a/1626073080218/LP+quote+17.png",     ];      document.querySelector(".logoload").style.backgroundImage = "url('"+arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]+"')"; });    $(window).load(function() {     $(".logoload").delay(500).fadeOut("slow"); }) </script> It works! Except, it doesn't look right on mobile, and I want to disable it for mobile. That brings me to the question I asked here: is there a way to disable that javascript code for mobile devices?
  13. Love
    djshiflet reacted to tuanphan in [Share] Squarespace 7.1 CSS ID List   
    Some CSS Class/ID for Squarespace 7.1
    Announcement Bar
    Announcement bar: .sqs-announcement-bar-dropzone Announcement bar text: .sqs-announcement-bar-dropzone p Announcement bar link: .sqs-announcement-bar-dropzone a Announcement Bar Close Icon: .sqs-announcement-bar-close OR .sqs-announcement-bar-close:after Header
    Header: header#header Sticky Header: header.shrink Header (not include sticky header): header#header:not(.shrink) Header (when burger menu is open): body.header--menu-open header#header Header (when burger menu is close): body:not(.header--menu-open) header#header Site Title: a#site-title Site Title (when overlay menu open): .header--menu-open a#site-title Site Title (when overlay menu close) body:not(.header--menu-open) a#site-title Navigation: .header-nav Navigation Items: .header-nav-item a Navigation First Item: .header-nav-item:nth-child(1) a Navigation Second Item: .header-nav-item:nth-child(2) a Navigation Dropdown: .header-nav-folder-content Navigation Dropdown Items: .header-nav-folder-item a Navigation Folder Title: a.header-nav-folder-title Mobile Navigation Items: .header-menu-nav-item a Mobile Navigation First Item: .header-menu-nav-folder[data-folder="root"]>div>div:first-child Mobile Navigation First Item (text): .header-menu-nav-folder[data-folder="root"]>div>div:first-child a Mobile Navigation Second Item: .header-menu-nav-folder[data-folder="root"]>div>div:nth-child(2) Mobile Navigation Second Item (text): .header-menu-nav-folder[data-folder="root"]>div>div:nth-child(2) a Mobile Menu Icon: .header-burger Mobile Burger 3 lines: .burger-inner>div Mobile Menu X icon: body.header--menu-open .burger-inner>div Header Social Icons: .header-actions .icon Cart Icon: header#header span.Cart-inner Cart quantity: header#header .icon-cart-quantity Header Button: header#header a.btn Header Desktop Button: .header-display-desktop a.btn Header Mobile Button: .header-menu-cta a a Footer
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    List Simple: .user-items-list-simple Image: .user-items-list-simple img First Item: .user-items-list-simple li:nth-child(1) Second Item: .user-items-list-simple li:nth-child(2) List Content: .user-items-list-simple .list-item-content Title: .user-items-list-simple h2.list-item-content__title Description:  .user-items-list-simple list-item-content__description OR .user-items-list-simple p List Slideshow
    List Slideshow: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow Image: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow img First Item: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow li:nth-child(1) Second Item: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow li:nth-child(2) List Content: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .slide-content Title: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow h2.list-item-content__title Description:  .user-items-list-banner-slideshow list-item-content__description OR .user-items-list-banner-slideshow p Arrow Circles: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .user-items-list-banner-slideshow__arrow-button Arrow Icons: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .user-items-list-banner-slideshow__arrow-button svg Button: .user-items-list-banner-slideshow .list-item-content__button List Carousel
    List Carousel: .user-items-list-carousel__slides Image: .user-items-list-carousel__slides img First Item: .user-items-list-carousel__slides li:nth-child(1) Second Item: .user-items-list-carousel__slides li:nth-child(2) List Content: .user-items-list-carousel__slides .list-item-content Title: .user-items-list-carousel__slides h2.list-item-content__title Description:  .user-items-list-carousel__slides list-item-content__description OR .user-items-list-carousel__slides p Arrow Circles: .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-button Arrow Icons: .user-items-list-carousel__arrow-button svg Button: .user-items-list-carousel__slides .list-item-content__button Fluid Engine
    Fluid Block (text block, image...): Each block is wrapped by the same class name .fe-block and a unique id. And All .fe-blocks will be wrapped by a parent tag with a class name of .fluid-engine
    Checked & Wrote by tuanphan
  14. Love
    djshiflet reacted to davidjsbrown in Add delay to mouse cursor animation   
    Site URL: https://www.davidjackspencer.co/
    I have successfully created a custom cursor using the code below, but cannot figure out how to add a delay to the cursor movement like this example here: https://codepen.io/ciprian/pen/BazvjRZ
    I've posted this in Settings > Advanced > Header 
    <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> And this in Settings > Advanced > Footer
    <script> $( ( ) => { $( 'body' ).prepend ( '<div class="cursor cursor-dot" style="left: 0px; top: 0px;">' ); $( window ).mousemove ( function ( e ) { $( '.cursor' ).css ( { left: e.pageX, top: e.pageY } ); } ); $( window ).mousemove ( function ( e ) { $( 'a' ).on ( 'mouseenter', function ( ) { $( '.cursor' ).addClass ( 'active' ); } ); } ); $( window ).mousemove ( function ( e ) { $( 'a' ).on ( 'mouseleave', function ( ) { $( '.cursor' ).removeClass ( 'active' ); } ); } ); } ); </script> After doing that I've also pasted this in Design > Custom CSS
    @media ( hover: none ) { .cursor { display: none !important; } } * { cursor: none; } .cursor { --size: 10px; height: var( --size ); width: var( --size ); border-radius: 50%; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; transform: translate( -50%, -50% ); z-index: 99999999999; } .cursor.cursor-dot { background: #ffffff; /* This defines the color of the cursor */ mix-blend-mode: difference; /* This line is for the circle to invert Delete this line if you dont want the circle to invert */ transition: width 0.8s, height 0.7s, background-color 0.9s; transition-timing-function: ease-out; } .cursor-dot.active { --size: 60px; background-color: #ffffff; }
    Any help would be greatly appreciated! 
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