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Javascript - custom theme toggle (ie light/dark mode)

Go to solution Solved by MayaViolet,

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Posted (edited)

Site URL: https://bywater-collective.squarespace.com/

Hi all - I am trying to use Jquery in order to give the ability for visitors to choose between a specific color theme on my client's 7.0 website. I have seen a number of tutorials walking through light vs dark mode, however I am trying to accomplish the following :

  1. Have three separate "color themes," that alter the index-page background color, and h1 font-color
  2. Depending on the "color theme" that is selected, have the logo image source, and photo image source within our mega-menu change accordingly. 

Here is an example of a website that displays the ability to toggle between "themes," and I've attached mockup examples of each "style". You can find my client site here, I appreciate any help and direction!

Menu - A.png

Menu - B.png

Menu - C.png

Edited by MayaViolet
  • 2 weeks later...

@MayaVioletTysm for sharing!! Do you mind sharing how you achieved this on Squarespace? I looked through the tutorial you linked and I'm a little stuck as to where to copy+paste the codes.

5 hours ago, xoxngo said:

@MayaVioletTysm for sharing!! Do you mind sharing how you achieved this on Squarespace? I looked through the tutorial you linked and I'm a little stuck as to where to copy+paste the codes.

Hi @xoxngo - you'll want to add the CSS to your custom CSS section, the javascript to your Header Code Injection, and then the toggle code will need to be applied as html via a codeblock on the page/area you'd like to apply the mode toggle section. Having a baseline understanding of these languages definitely helps - it's also helpful to take a look at the codepens included in the tutorial, and see how they broke down the html, CSS and javascript sections! Hope that helps 🙂

  • 8 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hi MayaViolet,

👋 I'm the developer of the Automatic dark mode plugin for Squarespace. Will try to push you in the right direction.

To make the dark mode plugin, I've spent 3+ months solving this problem. My plugin switches between 2 themes, but the way I've coded it would work for multiple color themes as well.

Here's a video explanation on how I would solve this


Squarespace 7.1 color themes

Squarespace 7.1 has 10 different color themes that are easy to edit. The way they work is by adding a specific CSS class to the sections. 

Here are the CSS classes and matching color themes:

  1. LIGHTEST 1: .white
  2. LIGHTEST 2: .white-bold
  3. LIGHT 1: .light
  4. LIGHT 2: .light-bold
  5. BRIGHT 1: .bright-inverse
  6. BRIGHT 2: .bright
  7. DARK 1: .dark
  8. DARK 2: .dark-bold
  9. DARKEST 1: .black
  10. DARKEST : .black-bold

So basically, the way to code the functionality you're describing we would make a function that would add a specific css class to all sections on the page, thus making the entire page have a specific theme. The only smart way is to take advantage of the Squarespace 7.1 color themes!

This function would remove the "wrong classes" from each section:

var removeNonDarkModeClasses = function(){
var themeClasses = ['white', 'white-bold', 'light', 'light-bold', 'bright-inverse', 'bright', 'dark', 'dark-bold', 'black', 'black-bold'];
//console.log("themeClasses: " + themeClasses);

var filteredArray = themeClasses.filter(function(e) { return e !== darkModeClassName })

//console.log("other section classes but not dark mode class: " + filteredArray);

$.each(filteredArray, function( index, value ) {



...this would add them back.

var addBackNormalNonDarkModeClass = function(){
  console.log("Adding back section class: " + $(this).attr("data-section-theme"));
  console.log("Adding back header class: " + $(this).attr("data-header-theme"));


This would style all the sections with a specific class from the class list above

var darkmodeTargetedElements = $(".page-section, .header");



P.S. If you ever need help with advanced Squarespace coding, you can get in touch 🙂


You could also look into the source code of the soultwin.studio's website. ️ Do not copy, it's not legal.  But you can inspect and get inspired. The javascript that makes that functionality looks like this:

(function ($) {
  $(document).ready(function () {
    /* Define vars
		============================ */
    const moods = [
        label: 'Editorial',
        fontFamily: 'SVG',
        fontSize: '8vw',
        letterSpacing: 0,
        color: 'f6f7f1',
        textTransform: 'uppercase',
        label: 'Venom',
        fontFamily: 'Font Select One',
        fontSize: device.mobile() ? '16vw' : '9.5vw',
        letterSpacing: device.mobile() ? '-3px' : '-8px',
        color: '657034',
        textTransform: 'uppercase',
        label: 'Hot Embers',
        fontFamily: 'Font Select Three',
        fontSize: device.mobile() ? '12vw' : '8vw',
        letterSpacing: device.mobile() ? '-5px' : '-8px',
        color: 'F4663B',
        textTransform: 'uppercase',
        label: 'Lilac',
        fontFamily: 'Font Select Nine',
        fontSize: device.mobile() ? '15vw' : '8.5vw',
        letterSpacing: '-4px',
        color: 'ECE1EF',
        textTransform: 'capitalize',
        label: 'Moonflower',
        fontFamily: 'Font Select Ten',
        fontSize: device.mobile() ? '15vw' : '9vw',
        letterSpacing: device.mobile() ? '-5px' : '-10px',
        color: '7197F8',
        textTransform: 'uppercase',
        label: 'Dream Pop',
        fontFamily: 'Font Select Eleven',
        fontSize: device.mobile() ? '13vw' : '8.5vw',
        letterSpacing: '-4px',
        color: 'FFCFAB',
        textTransform: 'uppercase',
        label: 'Library Card',
        fontFamily: 'Font Select Two',
        fontSize: device.mobile() ? '16vw' : '8.75vw',
        letterSpacing: 0,
        color: 'f4f1c0',
        textTransform: 'uppercase',
        label: 'Passionfruit',
        fontFamily: 'Font Select Twelve',
        fontSize: device.mobile() ? '27vw' : '12vw',
        letterSpacing: '-10px',
        color: '5B2A3D',
        textTransform: 'capitalize',
        label: 'Limelight',
        fontFamily: 'minerva-modern',
        fontSize: device.mobile() ? '14vw' : '10vw',
        letterSpacing: 0,
        color: 'E3F4D9',
        textTransform: 'uppercase',

    function autoType(elementClass, typingSpeed) {
      $('.text-js').css('opacity', 0);
      var thhis = $(elementClass);
        '<div class="cursor" style="right: initial; left:0;"></div>'
      thhis = thhis.find('.text-js');
      var text = thhis.text().trim().split('');
      var amntOfChars = text.length;
      var newString = '';
      setTimeout(function () {
        thhis.css('opacity', 1);
        for (var i = 0; i < amntOfChars; i++) {
          (function (i, char) {
            setTimeout(function () {
              newString += char;
            }, i * typingSpeed);
          })(i + 1, text[i]);
      }, 0);

    /* Make Customizer Draggable
		*- and define options
		============================ */

    _.map(moods, function (key) {
				<div class="flex flex-align-center colors cursor-pointer">
					<div class="w-24 ht-24 cursor-pointer" data-size="${key.fontSize}" data-image="${key.backgroundImage}" data-color-label="${key.label}" data-text-transform="${key.textTransform}" data-font="${key.fontFamily}" data-let-sp=${key.letterSpacing} data-color="#${key.color}" style="background: #${key.color} content-box;"></div>
					<p class="font-7 no-transform font-size-12 m-l-spacer-md m-y-spacer-none no-transform let-sp-1 text-dark">${key.label}</p>

    autoType('.type-js', 150);

    $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').hide();

    $('.pick-a-mood #handle').on('click', function () {
      $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').slideDown('fast');

    $('.colorChosen #handle').on('click', function () {
      $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').slideDown('fast');

    $('#handle-minus').on('click', function () {
      $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').slideUp();
            <div id="activeColorContainer" class="flex flex-column p-r-spacer-md">
              <div class="flex flex-align-center colors cursor-pointer active">
                <div class="w-24 ht-24 cursor-pointer" style="background: ${
                    ? localStorage.getItem('activeColor')
                    : '#f6f7f1'
                } content-box; border-color: black"></div>
                <p class="font-5 font-size-24 m-l-spacer-md m-y-spacer-none no-transform text-dark">${
                    ? localStorage.getItem('activeColorLabel')
                    : 'Editorial'

    const ACTIVECOLOREL = $('#colorPicker').find(

    if (localStorage.getItem('activeColor') === ACTIVECOLOREL.data('color')) {
        borderColor: 'black',

      if (localStorage.getItem('activeFont') === 'SVG') {
        $('#logoSVG path').each(function (i) {
          var $item = $(this);
          setTimeout(function () {
          }, 150 * i);
      } else {

    if (!_.isNil(localStorage.getItem('activeColor'))) {
      $('#photo-container #photo-wrapper').css({
        backgroundImage: `url(${localStorage.getItem('activeImage')})`,

      $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').hide();

      $('#handle').on('click', function () {
        $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').slideDown('fast');
          .css({ backgroundColor: localStorage.getItem('activeColor') });

        .removeClass('pick-a-mood picking-color')
            <div id="activeColorContainer" class="flex flex-column p-r-spacer-md">
              <div class="flex flex-align-center colors cursor-pointer active">
                <div class="w-24 ht-24 cursor-pointer" style="background: ${localStorage.getItem(
                )} content-box; border-color: black"></div>
                <p class="font-5 font-size-24 m-l-spacer-md m-y-spacer-none no-transform text-dark">${localStorage.getItem(

        backgroundColor: localStorage.getItem('activeColor'),

        fontSize: localStorage.getItem('activeFontSize'),
        fontFamily: localStorage.getItem('activeFont'),
        letterSpacing: localStorage.getItem('activeLetSp'),
        textTransform: localStorage.getItem('activeTextTransform'),
    } else {
          <div id="emptyColorState" class="flex flex-column p-r-spacer-md">
            <div class="flex flex-align-center cursor-pointer">
              <div class="w-24 ht-24 cursor-pointer" style="background: transparent content-box; border: 1px solid; border-color: black"></div>
              <p class="font-5 font-size-24 m-l-spacer-md m-y-spacer-none no-transform text-dark">Editorial</p>
			$('#handle-plus').on('click', function () {
				$('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').slideDown('fast');

      $('#logoSVG path').each(function (i) {
        var $item = $(this);
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 150 * i);

    if (localStorage.getItem('activeFont') === 'Font Select Nine') {
      device.mobile() ? $('#logoText').css({ wordSpacing: '25px' }) : $('#logoText').css({ wordSpacing: '50px' });
    } else {
      $('#logoText').css({ wordSpacing: 0 });
		if (localStorage.getItem('activeFont') === 'Font Select Twelve') {
      device.mobile() ? $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 0 }) : $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 0.4 });
    } else {
      device.mobile() ? $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 0.75 }) : $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 1 });

      function () {
      function () {

    $('#colorPickerSelect .colors').on('click', function () {
      let color = $(this).find('div').data('color');
      let fontFamily = $(this).find('div').data('font');
      let fontSize = $(this).find('div').data('size');
      let letterSpacing = $(this).find('div').data('let-sp');
      let textTransform = $(this).find('div').data('text-transform');
      let backgroundImage = $(this).find('div').data('image');
      var v = $(this).find('p').text();

      if (fontFamily === 'SVG') {
        $('#logoSVG path').each(function (i) {
          var $item = $(this);
          setTimeout(function () {
          }, 150 * i);
      } else {

      localStorage.setItem('activeColor', color);
      localStorage.setItem('activeColorLabel', v);
      localStorage.setItem('activeFont', fontFamily);
      localStorage.setItem('activeFontSize', fontSize);
      localStorage.setItem('activeLetSp', letterSpacing);
      localStorage.setItem('activeTextTransform', textTransform);
      localStorage.setItem('activeImage', backgroundImage);


      if ($(this).hasClass('active'))
        $(this).find('div').css({ borderColor: 'black' });

      $('#main-container').css({ backgroundColor: color });

      if (fontFamily === 'Font Select Nine') {
        device.mobile() ? $('#logoText').css({ wordSpacing: '25px' }) : $('#logoText').css({ wordSpacing: '50px' });
      } else {
        $('#logoText').css({ wordSpacing: 0 });
			if (fontFamily === 'Font Select Twelve') {
        device.mobile() ? $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 0 }) : $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 0.4 });
      } else {
        device.mobile() ? $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 0.75 }) : $('#logoText').css({ lineHeight: 1 });

      autoType('.type-js', 150);

      $('#photo-container #photo-wrapper').css({
        backgroundImage: `url(${backgroundImage})`,

      if (!$('#customizer').hasClass('colorChosen')) {
        $('#colorPickerSelect, #customizer small').slideUp();
          .css({ backgroundColor: color })
            <div id="activeColorContainer" class="flex flex-column p-r-spacer-md">
              <div class="flex flex-align-center colors cursor-pointer active">
                <div class="w-24 ht-24 cursor-pointer" style="background: ${color} content-box; border-color: black"></div>
                <p class="font-5 font-size-24 m-l-spacer-md m-y-spacer-none no-transform text-dark">${v}</p>


Edited by codeandtonic

Freelance Squarespace developer making plugins like Full-Width Blocks, Hover effects for grid gallery and the Darkmode plugin. I know Squarespace inside out and I'm able to solve pretty much any Squarespace code problem.

Get in touch here!

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