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  1. Hi @creedon I'm still rebuilding the site (am migrating my current site from 7.0 to 7.1) so this link is not a live published site yet... does that matter? does this work? https://crocodile-hexaflexagon-2a5n.squarespace.com/config/pages
  2. Hi @creedon I'm trying to install this code to my site which I want just one column for my portfolio section but the code isn't working and you can just see the code copy in the side header, How can I fix this? https://crocodile-hexaflexagon-2a5n.squarespace.com/portfolio-2-test-cwL9U-NE6dW pswd: Squarepass1
  3. thanks @tuanphan I have now actually resolved it myself but thanks anyway for your efforts!
  4. Hi @tuanphan thanks for your message. Have replied via email
  5. Hi, am hoping this thread can still be added to....? I'm looking for the same autoplay and loop but to be able to apply to an intro block on the home page on this website https://badger-oval-74a3.squarespace.com/home And only want it on the first intro block and nothing else on page. How is it best to do this? thanks
  6. Thanks so much Ziggy for your suggestion!! I've dropped in the code from the link and all is working so far!
  7. Hi Ziggy, thanks for your reply, here's the url for the site. https://badger-oval-74a3.squarespace.com/home Thanks for the link, I will have a look.
  8. Hi, hoping someone can help on this... My site has a centered logo in the header and I can't seem to make the navigation width bigger even with the site width and margins large, what am I missing? Also, is it possible to have the navigation left and right of the central logo? The tech support where no help on this... maybe there's some code? TIA Nic
  9. Thank you for your offer of help, I have resolved it now. If anyone needs this info I found it here... https://www.rebeccagracedesigns.com/blog/remove-underline-from-links
  10. I have also seen online (link below) that the code for the removal of the line has changed to https://donnavincentdesigns.com/blog/squarespace-text-link-underlines have I applied it correctly in my code?
  11. hoping someone can help...? I am trying to remove the link underline from the headers and paragraphs in 4 x text blocks on only one page on my site [ideally I'd add the link to the overall text block but having searching online and here this is not possible] This image shows one of the text blocks (right) and the code I've added to the page settings > advanced what am I doing wrong here? Grateful for any advice! thanks
  12. @yogap I would like to remove the text underline links to the 4 x test groups under each image on this page https://badger-oval-74a3.squarespace.com/designer-collaborations I have tried to add in the below code to website tools > Code Injection > footer #block-b624dfc453874ee21e28 { text-decoration: none !important; } but it is not working? can you help? If I want to do for the 4 x texts under images do I need to add each code seperately or could I add something like this #block-b624dfc453874ee21e28; #block-a5b28ca96a6dcc78cb3c; #block-3044362343bd7e9a4d9c; #block-eb1b21d942af59993e6a text-decoration: none !important; } does it matter that I have other code in there too? [sorry if this a silly question but coding is not my field!] Thanks
  13. Hi @yogap Where do I put this code if I only want it to be applied to one page? thanks
  14. Hi, yes remove the dropdown and make the 'Running Line' in the navigation clickable so that it actually shows the page with the 'Running Line overview'
  15. Hi Tuan, thanks for responding! https://badger-oval-74a3.squarespace.com/config/pages psd: badger-oval-74a3
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