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Everything posted by Romeo

  1. @tuanphan, you're a legend! As per usual, your code worked like a charm. Thanks again for the prompt and accurate response.
  2. Hey, @tuanphan, I'm having the same issue as the author of this post with my buttons on mobile. I'd like them to remain on the same row on mobile. Can you please help? Site URL: https://charred.ca Here's a couple screenshots of how they look on Desktop: And on Mobile:
  3. @creedon, you're the man! The updated CSS paired with your Gallery Section Reel Style Buttons to Slideshow Simple code, works great and achieves the style I'm after. Thanks so much for all your continued help and support. Cheers,
  4. Hey, @creedon, thanks for the help, but your CSS (Gallery Block Carousel Arrows Top Center) affected the arrows on all the galleries except for 'Slideshow:Reel', which I customized using your code Gallery Section Reel Style Buttons to Slideshow Simple. Currently the arrows are on the far left/right of this 'Slideshow:Reel' component: I'd like them to appear centered and above the content like my 'Summary' section below: I hope this is clear, thanks again.
  5. Hey, @creedon, thanks so much for helping with this. Is there a way to center the <> reel slideshow arrows instead os having them appear on the far left/right side of the images? Also, can the arrows be centered above the gallery images instead of below? I'm looking to replicate the position of the Arrows from my Summary Block in the image attached. Thanks!
  6. Site URL: http://transformfleet.com Hey guys, I've see a couple posts in forum regarding the nav breaking to two lines when the screen/viewport gets smaller, however mine breaks when the screen gets bigger! At full browser resolution on a 16" MacBook Pro there's no issue. However, on my 27" 4K reference monitor at full browser resolution the last nav item appears on a second line. I've attached two screen shots for reference. Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks,
  7. Hey @tuanphan, as always, your provided solution works great. Now, on mobile only, I'm displaying a video-block, but the top is getting cut-off after hiding the background video (see screenshot attached) . I'd like it to touch the blue banner, but not appear cut-off. I tried adding a top-margin, but depending on the mobile screen size it varies and it doesn't always but up against the bottom of the header. Any idea why this is? Also how do I make the mobile-only video block full-screen? Thank you, once more!
  8. Hey, @tuanphan My apologies, I'm looking to hide the video on the following page - https://archmillinc.squarespace.com/careers Thank you, P.s. Just to be clear, I've hidden the video when viewing on mobile, but I want the white block/box to be removed as well.
  9. Site URL: https://archmillinc.squarespace.com/ Hey there, I found some custom css in the SS forum that helps me locate the BG video tag, but rather than hiding the element completely on mobile, it just replaces it with a white box. I tried adding height: 0 !important; But that doesn't fix it. Here's the current CSS: @media screen and (max-width: 800px) { #collection-60afc070b0dd7438d0d5a7cd .sqs-video-background.content-fill { height: 0; display: none; } } I'm looking to hide the BG video element completely and display a standard video block on mobile, which I'm familiar with doing. Site pw: archmill Thanks in advance!
  10. @tuanphan, I figured it out: a.theme-btn--primary.btn {} No need to reply.
  11. CORRECTION - I figured everything out but styling the mobile header button. What is the CSS I should be using to correctly style the mobile header button? Cheers!
  12. Hey, @tuanphan, I've got a couple more for you. How do I style the mobile menu item labels, and the "thank you" that appears once you submit the newsletter form? What are the CSS class names for these elements? Thanks again,
  13. @tuanphan, I've got one more question regarding the sign-up button - how do I change the font-size? The following CSS doesn't seem to work: font-size: 2em !important; Thanks,
  14. Hey, @tuanphan, that did it! Thanks so much for the super quick fix! Cheers,
  15. Sorry, @tuanphan, try charred.
  16. Site URL: http://charred.squarespace.com Hi there, I can't seem to locate the proper style to change the button fonts on my site. Ok with the rest, but buttons are being problematic. Please help! CSS: @font-face { font-family: 'Chairdrobe-regular'; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ebb082d8148b13aaa27331a/t/5ecd1ce75e861630ff1f359a/1590500583301/Chairdrobe+Regular.ttf); } .sqs-block-button-element { font-family: 'Chairdrobe-regular' !important; } Site PW: Charred Thank you,
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