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  1. Embarrassed to reveal I fixed this myself and it was a self-inflicted wound. I had previously, a couple of months ago, experimented with having a "one page only" logo for that Store page and still had Advanced header html/css code injected for that page which pointed to a bogus old .png logo. Duh. My bad. Maybe you'll make the same mistake someday this will give you hint. Since I can't delete my original post (from 30 minutes ago) let this Circle Forum post live on into the future. I apologize for the disk space and network bandwidth taken. 😀
  2. In development phase of new 7.1 website for client. Heading design uses a .png logo. Works fine as expected except on the "Store Page". Going into Header editor which shows the logo file correctly specify. The logo shows in the header on these pages correctly: https://grWholesaleKy.com/home https://grWholesaleKy.com/rental But not on this page: (created by adding a store page and customizing from there) https://grWholesaleKy.com/store Anyone else ever encountered this? is this a recent problem? Or are we doing something wrong? Dave,
  3. I am a member of a civic club and I am the Admin for that club's Squarespace Website. We have done a lot with SqSp Commerce in support of a fund raiser for the last 4-5 years. The club's treasurer created a Stripe account back in the beginning and maintains (user/pswd/access) to the Stripe account. I've given the treasurer access to our SqSp website and the treasurer logged in and used the SqSp "Payment Processor" functions to connect the club's Stripe account to the website. This has provided us a clear line of separation between my responsibility for the website, store, products, etc and the Treasurer's responsibility for custody of our funds by maintaining access to the Stripe account. I just maintain a store which can execute payments and refunds to a Stripe account maintained separately by the Treasurer. I've read up on the new "Squarespace Payments" functions and I expect we'll migrate over to it in the near future. However, I'm concerned that we may no longer be able to keep this "separation of responsibilities" between webmaster and treasurer. I'd normally test things like this but can't test this myself. I've searched the Circle Forum for to see if this issue is discussed but didn't find anything. The TL;DR version of my question: Is there a way to keep me (webmaster) from diverting payments/refunds from the club's bank account (treasurer) to my own personal bank account? Wow, as I typed that question I realized I have that power already. While I don't have the club's Stripe account's user/pswd, I could just disconnect the club's account, create my own Stripe account (already got one for other purposes) and divert all the clubs transactions to my personal bank account. So I should modify my question here to something like: Has anybody else run into this separation of powers issue/question and have thoughts on the topic. Does this call for a new SqSp "Financial" Permission for linking to Bank Accounts? How would that even work? Has this already been thought about? Thanks for any/all feedback.
  4. As a further update I can report that I submitted this as support case. It is a known problem being worked on for a future release AND there is a workaround that resolved the problem for my case. If you encounter this, try adding a second donate-block to the page. I created an identical donate-block just below my original, could see the proper “4. Additional Information”, and then deleted my original donate-block. Solved my problem.
  5. I agree, I probably should. However, in the mean time I added the same kind of Donation Block to another 7.1 site I have and it displays more correctly as Step 4. Additional Information. So it seems this is a 7.0 bug/issue that has been fixed or works correctly in 7.1. Are bug reports still being handled and addressed by Squarespace for 7.0 websites? (sorry, I haven't been keeping up) I've put off upgrading this site to 7.1 but now notice there is a prototype 7.0 to 7.1 conversion tool. Maybe I should ...
  6. I've used a donation block in the past without problems. This year, the org asked if we could ask the donator for one optional field ( "In Honor Of", a short text field). I found that the donations block has "Add Form Fields" and so I added the single TEXT field called "In Honor Of". As far as I can tell it works as expected but with on ugly exception. Without any added form fields the checkout process has the normal 1,2,3,4 checkout process for 1. Your Account, 2, Your Contribution, 3. Payment and 4. Review and donate. When you've added a Form Field it makes step 4 become a step to provide any form fields and moves Review and Donate to step 5. The ugly part is the title it gives this new Step 4. In my case it gives Step 4 the title "2". Just the number 2. I've included screen shoots showing the live Donate block with the odd Step 4 title and others that show as my settings for the Donation Block. Any ideas what might be causing this and/or suggestions to resolve this? (other than using external donation plugin ... for now) PS: As I'm entering this I realize it may be important to note that this is a 7.0 website, not 7.1. Ugh. I'll try a test on a 7.1 site to see if it's version specific.
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