I deleted the video and added it again. Still the same. If I open the CSS window it looks fine. But as soon as I leave the backend the video container jumps back to the original size.
Thank you! That works for the top. And only in squarespace backend. As soon as I leave the backend the video container jumps back to the original size.
Underneath the video ist still a white space. How can I remove this too?
Hello @joseph81,
I have a similar problem.
I need to change the aspect ratio of the video container so that the whole video can be seen on the page. Currently there is empty space above and below the video.
I already tried your solution but it doesn't work.
PW: psk_ws2022
Hello @tuanphan, I have the same problem.
I tried this:
#sections:first-child .section-background {
It worked, but it's adding a margin to all of my sections, not just the first one. How can I change this to just one section?