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SEOSPace image compression limit.

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Hi everyone. I am working on SEO and have installed SEOSpace. The site audit said that I needed to compress all of my images to less than 250K.  SS guidelines say less that 500K. 

Is it really worth it to recompress and re-upload 150 or so images?

Another dilemma is that it says my blog posts' SEO titles and descriptions need updating. I'm sure that is true, but I can't seem to find the screen to edit SEO information for individual blog posts. Am I missing it somewhere?


Rob Gorrell

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Hi - @RobGorrell,

Thank you for installing the SEOSpace plugin. I'm glad to help you with your concerns. Here are some insights that might be helpful:

  • It's true that Squarespace suggests keeping images under 500K for optimal performance. However, the recommendation to compress images to less than 250K can be beneficial for site speed, which is a crucial factor in SEO. Faster loading times can improve your user experience and search engine rankings.
  • Editing SEO Titles and Meta Descriptions: You can customize SEO titles and meta descriptions for individual blog posts in the Squarespace blog editor:
    • Go to your Squarespace dashboard and select your blog.
    • Choose the post you want to edit, then click the settings > SEO > SEO title > Meta Description
    • Check out these videos for guidance:






I hope these insights help you. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.


Sadul Sifat.

SEOSpace Team

SEOSpace - The SEO Plugin for Squarespace.

Get a Free Squarespace SEO Audit: https://www.seospace.co/squarespace-seo-audit-score


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Thanks for the response @Sifat_SEOSpace!

The only thing I'd add @RobGorrell is many SEO experts actually recommend 100kb for image size, so our recommendation is in between that and what Squarespace says - it's realistically what's achievable on the platform.

Henry Purchase

Founder of SEOSpace - the SEO plugin for Squarespace.

Get a Free Squarespace SEO Audit: https://www.seospace.co.uk/squarespace-seo-audit-score


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On 4/18/2024 at 12:33 PM, RobGorrell said:

Is it really worth it to recompress and re-upload 150 or so images?

Hi @RobGorrell if you are the tin lantern maker, the answer to your question is no.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK. I will leave the older images as they are and concentrate on compressing the upcoming images to the lower size.

Part of my confusion comes from the idea that Squarespace recommends 1500 pixel width on images. but to keep the image that size and compress down to 250K using Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020 I have to go to 10% quality.  




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