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Everything posted by RandomAlex

  1. Hi @Helloparkerg - as far as I can tell that doesn't help with the issue of sending people BACK to their place in the text? See what I mean here: https://www.speculativeinsight.com/essays/men-who-respect-witches-1 - I can send the reader to the bottom of the page, for the footnote text, but I don't know how to have a link at the end of the footnote text to send them back up the page, to the place they left. (Which is usually in the middle of a paragraph.)
  2. But if the footnote needs to go at the end of a sentence, NOT the end of a paragraph, that doesn't solve the problem. Like this: The increasing gap between the rich and poor can lead, as The Spirit Level argues, to conflict and unrest.[1] The limited opportunities afforded to... I've managed to link the [1] to the bottom of the page, where the endnote is. I cannot, however, make the note at the bottom of the page link BACK to that text near the top of the page.
  3. The problem with this is that a code block can't be in the middle of a paragraph of text, as far as I can see - so I can have an anchor link to a heading, as I have now done: https://www.speculativeinsight.com/essays/men-who-respect-witches-1 ... but I can't have a link to a specific footnote, nor can I have a link BACK to the text that you just left. Unless there is some way to do this in the middle of a text block?
  4. I would like to have endnotes in a blog post, where you can click on the number and be taken to the endnote; and then click on an arrow/other symbol and be taken back to your original spot in the post. See this post for an example - the links within the essay don't work, hence this post: https://www.speculativeinsight.com/essays/men-who-respect-witches-1 Can anyone suggest how I might make this work?
  5. Hi @derricksrandomviews, thanks for the custom css - I appreciate it. Forgive another question, please: where do I find the design info for the line heights? When I look at the site styles, in the Body section it tells me the line height is 1.8em.
  6. In the Design panel, under site-wide fonts, there is no 'summary block'; there's only excerpt, meta, headings, body, and image/gallery block. Do I need to look somewhere else?
  7. Hi folks! I want to use summary blocks for the front page of my site: https://www.speculativeinsight.com/ . As you can see the two columns look different: the left one I created using a text block; the middle one is in a summary block, using the excerpt from a post. I'd like to make the text in the middle one the same as the body text everywhere else, and cannot see how to do that in the Site Styles; I changed the line height for Excerpt text, but that made no difference to the appearance. Any help would be appreciated!
  8. Just coming to ask a similar question, but I think in my case this might work out. I've just launched a journal, and I'm offering both free and subscriber-only content. I've set an annual membership price, and made this a subscription to recur every year. I think this means that after a year, members will be kicked off unless they re-up their subscription - is that correct? Additionally, I created a 'lifetime' option because I wanted to give an incentive for people to pay more upfront and have lifetime access. That's a fixed amount, rather than recurring. This means I don't have to worry about them ever being kicked off - is that also correct?
  9. Again, thank you! I made it 33 rather than 25 as it was still overlapping a little - but this has solved it!
  10. That worked - thanks so much! Could you also have a look at this page: https://www.speculativeinsight.com/from-the-editor - let me know what the CSS fix would be for this page??
  11. I changed the title and the way the date displayed because I couldn't fix it. However, I've now found that the third column on the homepage does the same thing when in the tablet view: https://www.speculativeinsight.com/ (Original was from https://www.speculativeinsight.com/from-the-editor; I made the title shorter to see if that would resolve it, and it did. I would VERY much like for that not to be an issue though.)
  12. This is the first blog post on my site, and it comes up like this: the date and the title are overlapping. Can't for the life of me figure this out - help please! I'm in 7.0.
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