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    Tankgurl got a reaction from LUNCHBOXCREATIVE in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    I have exactly the same issue. I feel that everytime I change anything in desktop, mobile has extra vertical space and everytime I change anything in mobile, desktop has extra vertical space. 
    I think even when I adjust different sections on desktop and resize my browser to look at the mobile and tablet breakpoints, extra space is added.
    This is unbelievably frustrating 😞
  2. Like
    Tankgurl got a reaction from Beyondspace in Pinch to zoom for pictures in Lightbox mode on desktop and mobile Squarespace 7.0 & 7.1   
    @BeyondspaceI just purchased your plugin but I don't see how to install it for a personal squarespace account, not a business one. 
    I don't have this:
    From Squarespace admin screen, go to
    Settings / Advanced / Code injection / Footer
    Please help, I really need to get this working.
  3. Love
    Tankgurl got a reaction from WCS in Change section background color around inset background image   
    Thank you for the help!
    Finally worked.

  4. Love
    Tankgurl got a reaction from Rustynz in Fluid Engine behaviour - Site styling/padding randomly changes by itself   
    Squarespace knows about all of this. It's a huge problem with the fluid engine. I went through all of this on my portfolio site that I created 1.5 years ago and possibly stupidly gave SS another shot prayingthese issues might be fixed now. 
    In the past I sent SS multiple screenshots of all these issues and they basically said it needs to be fixed with custom CSS code which they can not provide me. 
    Lol pretty insane they charge for this and they absolutely know about all these bugs that have been there for years. 
  5. Like
    Tankgurl got a reaction from GretchenElizabeth in Fluid Engine behaviour - Site styling/padding randomly changes by itself   
    Squarespace knows about all of this. It's a huge problem with the fluid engine. I went through all of this on my portfolio site that I created 1.5 years ago and possibly stupidly gave SS another shot prayingthese issues might be fixed now. 
    In the past I sent SS multiple screenshots of all these issues and they basically said it needs to be fixed with custom CSS code which they can not provide me. 
    Lol pretty insane they charge for this and they absolutely know about all these bugs that have been there for years. 
  6. Like
    Tankgurl reacted to Rustynz in Fluid Engine behaviour - Site styling/padding randomly changes by itself   
    Hi all, 

    I have been using SS for years now, and I've noticed ever since the release of 7.1 Fluid Engine that my 'perfectly styled and designed' sites in 7.1 just randomly behave like a child on a whim - repeatedly.
    The issue:
    The styling/spacing changes by itself leaving huge blank gaps all over the show. It's like the text bounding boxes just change size by themselves. I'm constantly finding myself fixing them across devices sizes and websites I manage.
    It's so frustrating. 
    I've also realised noticed my sites look TERRIBLE when viewed on a larger screen.
    IE: If I have my site open on my 13" laptop screen and my 27" screen right next to each other - the site looks horrible on the bigger screen with huge spacing issues everywhere - and perfect on the 13" screen. I've scoured forums and solutions for a fix and even changed the site beyond past 1920px but nothing helps. Why? 
      By default I've figured out that I have to design and style new sites on my small 13" screen (which I hate), instead of starting to design it on my larger screen. Because ironically if I design it first off my larger screen - the spacing/styling looks terrible when I look at it on my 13" screen. It's just not the experience I want.  Things also changing in edit mode:
    Lastly, I find sometimes when I am in edit mode > and working in a 'section' > the bottom of the section automatically moves back up towards the lowest part of the last element in the section (IE: A text box). As I am populating my content top down within the section (naturally), I drag the bottom of the section down again to create more space for my content - and the section just defaults back up to the lowest part of the last element half the time. Why?
    Multiply these silly behavioural issues across desk + mob and several websites, and you've got a huge problem. Site spacing should be done once and left forever, that's it.
    I was presenting my folio site in an interview yesterday on my larger screen, got to a page and noticed there was a giant white gap below my content because the text bounding box just decided to behave terribly. Not a good look, and I was pi$$ed.
    I've had enough. I assume other people are having the same issues? Am I missing something? Am I stupid? Is there a fix for this? How do I get my sites looking the same across both small and large screens? Why does this happen? Why hasn't the company done anything about this? How did this not come up in testing before the 7.1 release? 
    We all spend enough money with SS, this shouldn't be happening.
    I'm about a day away from booking a flight from Australia to NYC to go knock on the doors of the SS office to get proper answers and cause a scene.
    No need to add screen shots or links, you guys know what I'm on about…
  7. Like
    Tankgurl reacted to Ziggy in Why does my section spacing keep changing?   
    How are you adjusting the spacing?
    What version of Squarespace are you using? Can you share your website URL?
  8. Like
    Tankgurl got a reaction from i_insanity in HELP: Have vertical space issues on mobile, then after I fix it, I have issues with desktop.   
    Hi, I am getting vertical spacing issues on mobile (and tablet) above and below text and individual images inserted into a section as a block.
    On tablet I even have an image that is only partially showing and the sticky top header is covering my page title. 
    I need to have consistent space above and below each text block and images with a text block image title above each.
    The images have a lightbox so you can click on them to see the full size image. I will need to have between 1 and 4 images in a row, each with text titles above them, in multiple parts of my page. Some are in their own sections and some are in long text sections. 
    I have tried to reduce the vertical space between all elements on the page as much as possible, so I have the Section Gap set to 0, Background width set to Full Bleed and the least amount of rows possible for each section. 
    I really need help. This is a very long Case Study page with a lot of text and many sets of images throughout. 
    In addition to the spacing problem for mobile and tablet, each time I set up the page for desktop the way I need it to look, then I check it for mobile, it is wrong in mobile AND now it's all off for desktop.
    This is VERY VERY frustrating and I am wondering if I should switch to Squarespace 7.0?
    Here's my site and I included a image with all 3 breakpoints and the issues I am seeing.
    pass: obiwanux

  9. Like
    Tankgurl got a reaction from i_insanity in HELP: Have vertical space issues on mobile, then after I fix it, I have issues with desktop.   
    I am just SO frustrated and wish I used a different website builder. 
    There is NO WAY squarespace does not know about the responsive vertical spacing issues that occur over and over again on EVERY SINGLE PAGE. 
    They are obviously choosing to do NOTHING about it since it's been widely complained about since 7.1 launched. 
    I even got a response from their Customer Service that they looked into it and could do nothing and told me unofficially about CSS. 
    If I knew I would need to be a CSS coder to properly design my site, I would not have chosen Squarespace. 
    I just don't understand why they don't fix this. 
    This is advertised as a responsive engine and then tell users this extra space that they add is because of a responsive design???? What??
    At this point I really feel I want a discount or it should be advertised that you need to know CSS because I would have made other decisions.
  10. Like
    Tankgurl got a reaction from iPhoneIntact in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    I have exactly the same issue. I feel that everytime I change anything in desktop, mobile has extra vertical space and everytime I change anything in mobile, desktop has extra vertical space. 
    I think even when I adjust different sections on desktop and resize my browser to look at the mobile and tablet breakpoints, extra space is added.
    This is unbelievably frustrating 😞
  11. Like
    Tankgurl got a reaction from creedon in HELP: Have vertical space issues on mobile, then after I fix it, I have issues with desktop.   
    I am just SO frustrated and wish I used a different website builder. 
    There is NO WAY squarespace does not know about the responsive vertical spacing issues that occur over and over again on EVERY SINGLE PAGE. 
    They are obviously choosing to do NOTHING about it since it's been widely complained about since 7.1 launched. 
    I even got a response from their Customer Service that they looked into it and could do nothing and told me unofficially about CSS. 
    If I knew I would need to be a CSS coder to properly design my site, I would not have chosen Squarespace. 
    I just don't understand why they don't fix this. 
    This is advertised as a responsive engine and then tell users this extra space that they add is because of a responsive design???? What??
    At this point I really feel I want a discount or it should be advertised that you need to know CSS because I would have made other decisions.
  12. Like
    Tankgurl reacted to Sprite in Image not showing up in social share   
    Yes they really need to address this issue - surely it can’t be that difficult. Open graph is the solution for those can insert code https://kaydee.net/blog/open-graph-image/ but you need an upgraded account to do this - maybe that’s why they don’t feel the need to address this issue. Disappointing. 
    Hope someone from Squarespace reads this one day.
  13. Like
    Tankgurl reacted to PLand in Image not showing up in social share   
    I can inform you that this is still an issue in 2023. I have set an image in every possible place that Squarespace allows, but I can't get it to render anything at all on LinkedIn, Slack, Twitter, etc. Very disappointing and really regretting the choice of Squarespace for this particular site, which is all about marketing a book and needs to show the cover! 😟
  14. Like
    Tankgurl reacted to tuanphan in Image border cutting off in gallery for desktop and mobile   
    Can you share link to this page? We can check easier
  15. Love
    Tankgurl reacted to creedon in Image Card can't see it as an option   
    I wouldn't say that the need is negated. Other folks have expressed the desire to have those image types return to FE. I hope SS will bring them back. I think there is a need for the FE free form method but also it is nice to have more structured elements like images cards. With image cards the flexibility is reduced but the speed of implementing an effect is speed up dramatically.
  16. Love
    Tankgurl reacted to MmJ in Image Card can't see it as an option   
    Right. Just checking...

    I have seen a video where someone adds a block [image] and then gets a load of options [poster/card/etc]

    I can add an image, but have spent hours trying to find the options to have it changed from just an image - to a card

    Is it because I am on the free trial. That's all I can think of... or am I just missing something obvious... or am I [most likely] just really stupid

    Anyone on the Free Trial know what to do after you have the image in your page - to then find the options to change it. Or is it paid versions only that you can do that?

    Thanks for any help x
  17. Love
    Tankgurl reacted to franzenjb in Pinch to zoom for pictures in Lightbox mode on desktop and mobile Squarespace 7.0 & 7.1   
    Strange I have to pay $50 for 10 lines of code to solve a problem / feature it seems Squarespace should include as part of their program?  BeyondSpace works great for me but I don't understand Squarespace's thinking.
  18. Love
    Tankgurl reacted to Hayarta in Is there a way to transfer/downgrade from 7.1 to 7.0?   
    Here's where I finally ended with it: 
    Watching ANOTHER video called "Starting Over" that does not, in fact, show you how to START OVER! Wow. Yup, truly horrendous design here. If there's no way to start over (and by over, that means starting at the beginning, and that means being able to start a new page and select a new template. If that's not possible, don't have a video called Starting Over. By the way, that video does not show how to start over. It shows how to reset the defaults of the template you already chose. And when you chose that, again, it says "Start With [template name]". Awful. Truly awful design and user experience. Sorry.
  19. Love
    Tankgurl reacted to Hayarta in Is there a way to transfer/downgrade from 7.1 to 7.0?   
    I'm amazed at how hard it is to change the template, and how much viewing of videos and reading has been required to find out how to do that. I watched a video (on Squarespace's site!) of how to switch templates. Yet, there is no way to switch templates. Also, how in the world could not being able to change templates be called, in any way, an improvement? So many layers of awful design here, folks. Super frustrating. Don't name it "Start with [template name]" if it should actually read "Commit to [template name]". Awful experience to have right out the gate, you know? 
  20. Love
    Tankgurl reacted to Lumenarius in Pinch to zoom for pictures in Lightbox mode on desktop and mobile Squarespace 7.0 & 7.1   
    It still blows my mind to think that in 2023 Squarespace does not have a method to natively allow users to "pinch to zoom" in on images for either desktop or mobile when viewing images in the "Lightbox" mode.
    This ability has been ironed out over a decade ago on every other website from Craigslist to Facebook and when watching people use my website they naturally try to do this move an are dismayed when they cannot. It reflects poorly on my services when basic web moves like zooming in on an image cannot be done. What is the point of Lightbox then??
    As a provider of websites for millions of people I expect Squarespace to have the basic features of the modern web experience available but they are not.
    Anyways, if anyone is looking to enable this functionality I cannot recommend the plugin by Beyondspaces which I will link below.
    I am not involved or affiliated with this plugin at all but feel the absolute need to post this because it is so frustrating to watch clients and users want to zoom in on images and not be able to and then have Squarespace not implement this feature for years.
    This plugin is easy to install and does exactly what you want across every device and browser I have witnessed.
    /End rant
  21. Love
    Tankgurl reacted to melaniejaane in Reduce spacing after heading and between paragraph breaks – hard returns   
    Is there any way to reduce the spacing of a hard return after a heading? Is there also a way to reduce the size of empty space between paragraphs when you use a double hard return?
    Squarespace has implemented some super frustrating code that creates a massive space after every hard return / paragraph break. Is there anyway to turn this off, or alter the code to only apply after a double hard return, like standard word editors?
    It's seriously impacting readability in text heavy areas like Blogs or Policy pages, that need paragraph headers to outline ideas or  visually break up the content.
  22. Like
    Tankgurl reacted to Neil-Marrs in Henson Template - Is there a way to set mobile specific image settings?   
    I have the same question for my new site: https://www.neilmarrs.com
    It looks fine on desktop, but I would like to set a different image for mobile -- can you help?
    Thank you
  23. Love
    Tankgurl reacted to adamspicar in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    Squarespace, your Fluid Engine is a disaster. Turn it off!
  24. Love
    Tankgurl reacted to TheEcoporium in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    I'm cursing too!! This new site design is not working for me either. I upgraded one section on the home page and now all the spacing is off. Looks terrible on mobile and all I was doing was updating a product picture. I've been trying to align buttons and text to match the rest of the page and look good on other platforms but for hours now it has been fruitless. I want the classic version back as well. It was much easier to use and looked clean and crisp. I have no idea how to fix things and I certainly don't want to continue to use the new version. If anyone has ideas on how to fix or go back to the older version I would love it.
  25. Love
    Tankgurl reacted to MarcWatson in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    I've been working and using SQSP as a designer since 2008 when it was version 5. I am in agreement with everyone here that this version is not ready for prime time. I thought I would immediately convert a project I was working on for a new client, into fluid engine page layouts. OMG! This is so not fun to work with and has literally made me noxious trying to figure out how to work with it. It's mind blowing that SQSP released this and even more that there's a whole army of people trying to make it seem like everything is totally cool and awesome! Not cool and definitely lightyears from awesome. 
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