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  1. 1. I want my main podcast page, my welcome page so to speak, on my website to be at this url: https://www.publishedauthor.com/podcast. 2. I don't care so much where my podcast episode pages (where lots of episodes are listed) are at. Right now it generates something like https://www.publishedauthor.com/podcast?offset=1644303600769 and that's fine. 3. I want individual podcast episode pages to be like this: https://www.publishedauthor.com/podcast/kara-goldin-hint-water-and-undaunted My problem is that it appears I can't do both #1 and #3. Right now I have to use the url https://www.publishedauthor.com/podcast-welcome for my welcome page, and then I can use https://www.publishedauthor.com/podcast/ for the episode pages. Or I could use https://www.publishedauthor.com/podcast-episodes/ or something like that for the episode pages and then https://www.publishedauthor.com/podcast/ for the welcome page. But I want both! I want to be able to put everything in https://www.publishedauthor.com/podcast/ but be able to have the first page be different from the rest. Does anyone know how to do this?
  2. And if you want to add an image, but have an overlay color over it with some opacity, then try this out: body[class*="collection-type-blog"].view-item header#header { background-image:linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)), url(your-image-url-here); }
  3. And if you want an image instead of a color, you can use this: body[class*="collection-type-blog"].view-item header#header { background-image:url(url-goes-here); }
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