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  1. Hello! I am having an issue that is specific to mobile devices and not the desktop where all of my background photos on my loveatfirstsit.net website are not visible. Specifically on iPhone and iPad. But they are visible on the desktop version of the website. For example, the majority of my homepage has background photos with text on top of the photos. This is all white now with no visible background photo or text. When I go to edit a page in the background photo, it's there and it shows me that it's there, but when I click on done, none of the photos appear. Anyone have any ideas of how to fix this? THANK YOU!
  2. Hello! I am having an issue that is specific to mobile devices and not the desktop where all of my background photos on my loveatfirstsit.net website are not visible. Specifically on iPhone and iPad. But they are visible on the desktop version of the website. For example, the majority of my homepage has background photos with text on top of the photos. This is all white now with no visible background photo or text. When I go to edit a page in the background photo, it's there and it shows me that it's there, but when I click on done, none of the photos appear. Anyone have any ideas of how to fix this? THANK YOU!
  3. Hello! I'm having a loading problems for background photo on my website. loveatfirstsit.net When you visit a page, it will first load the page banner as black or gray, then it'll load the page and the image will appear. As you're scrolling down each page, it has the same loading problem for each background image (black or gray, then the pictures will appear). Sometimes when you scroll down the page, the page will be sluggish as well Sometimes the videos on some pages are also sluggish, or have issues loading. I have not changed anything to my website already coating. I have attached a video as an example of the issue/ Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in dvance! IMG_8646.mov
  4. If I add that part of the code back in, the photos will be blocked out again. See photo attach from what I'm describing. Is there a code for parallax scrolling? Maybe that's easier.
  5. Hello! Thank you for your response! In order to get the photos in the background to show again, I removed the part of the code below below as you had recommended in a different forum. Thank you as that did the trick. If I add it back in, the photos for disappear. So I don't have a code to enter it again. The issue is when I removed this part of the code (which made the background images visible again), the parallax scrolling for the background images were somehow disabled. How to I get the parallax scrolling back? .has-background .section-background img { visibility: hidden!important; }
  6. Site URL: https://www.loveatfirstsit.net/ Hello! I had an issue where my background photos in my 7.1 squarespace site suddenly disappeared. All of the background images where suddenly in black. Even though when i used the edit option to add a photo, the photo was actually still set as the appropriate image, but when the site was live, all of the photos throughout the site photos where hidden in black. I was able to get them back with by removing the code below from the to code injection, (compliments of an awesome user that offered the code fix in a different forum), however by doing that, there is no longer a parallax from the photos. .has-background .section-background img { visibility: hidden!important; } Is there a code to get that parallax scroll back for the background photos without compromising anything else? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!☺️
  7. Hello! I have another question for you where I could use your expertise! All of my photos background photos on my loveatfirstsit.net website are not visible. This is now throughout the site. When I go to edit a page in the background photo, it's there and it shows me that it's there, but when I click on done, none of the photos appear. What is also strange is that in some pages the peach banner photo at the top is not visible, while and others it is. For example, the Dog Training page versus the dog care page we are the top photo is visible. But all of the other photos in the background on the page are not Do you know what the fixe is? THANK YOU!
  8. Site URL: https://www.loveatfirstsit.net/dog-behavior-and-training Hello! I am hoping someone might be able to help me with this. I have a floating button for pet services pages on my squarespace 7.1 website that links them to request services pages. The custom code is injected in the "page settings", "advanced" section. For some reason, the floating buttons are no longer working. When you go to the page, the button is visible, but you can't click on it. When you scroll down the page, it will also disappear. Here is the code I am using referenced from this page: https://www.loveatfirstsit.net/dog-behavior-and-training <!--Sticky Booking Button--> <div id="book-me"> <a href="/dog-behavior-training-request"> Request Dog Training </a> </div> Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
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