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  1. Hello, I need help changing the color of the hamburger menu icon to white. It is currently a dark grey but I would like it to be white on the mobile view. I only want the hamburger icon to change to white and that's it. This is the website: https://www.sullivandesignstudio.com/ As you can see, it is a dark grey but I would like it to be white. Can you provide the code necessary to do this? Thanks!!
  2. Line 54 to Line 56 is the code I need to make the hamburger menu white though. What should I do?
  3. https://www.sullivandesignstudio.com/ I tried copying and pasting the code but it says there is a syntax error.
  4. Hello, I am wanting to change the color of the hamburger menu icon to white, as you can see in the photo, it is a brown/grey color. I want to do this while not affecting the color of anything else. Could someone provide me with the code or instructions to do so? Thanks!
  5. .header-actions .header-nav-item { padding-right:2.1w !important; /**change as needed**/ } .header-nav-list { display:-webkit-box; display:-ms-flexbox; display:flex; -webkit-box-pack:end !important; -ms-flex-pack:end !important; justify-content:flex-end !important; .header-nav-item { padding-right:2.1vw !important; /**change as needed**/ } } .header-actions--right { display:-webkit-box; display:-ms-flexbox; display:flex; -webkit-box-pack:justify; -ms-flex-pack:justify; justify-content:space-between; } .header-actions .header-nav-item { padding-right:2.1vw !important;//change as needed } .header-nav-list { display:flex; justify-content:flex-end !important; .header-nav-item { padding-right:2.1vw !important; //change as needed } } .header-actions--right { display:flex; justify-content:space-between; } .header-display-mobile .header-nav-item.header-nav-item--collection { display:none; } /* Home transparent */ body.homepage .header-announcement-bar-wrapper, body.homepage header#header { background: transparent !important; } h3 a:hover { color: #cd7e3c !important; } section[data-section-id="630039bc9470670078eb1643"] { border-top: 1px solid #000; } [data-section-id="5e4c4bfc089b191d4a53fa73"] { padding-top: 0 !important; } /* Home nav items */ body.homepage div.header-nav-item a { color: white !important; } // Navigation Links Spacing // .header-nav-item a { margin: 0px 2px !important; } https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e4c49786776b00f34b723a5/t/639135c8f3a6940a6ecddad1/1670460872379/Sullivan_Logo-07+(1).png [data-section-id="5e73d711f1221176fcfd4730"] .content-wrapper { padding-top: calc(~"10vmax / 5") !important; } .header-nav-item.header-nav-item--collection { margin-right: 20px; }
  6. Also, I am using custom code to get the secondary navigation in the first place so maybe that has something to do with it. Meaning that the links to the right of the logo are custom because it is a secondary navigation.
  7. Unfortunately, that code didn't work. It is weird because when I go edit the site header and adjust the link spacing, it shows them spaced out how I wanted but when I click save, it goes back to being packed together.
  8. I need help making the spacing of the navigation links to the right of the logo to be spaced the same as the ones to the left of it. The ones on the right got squished together so need to space them out to be like the left. Please refer to the photos, thank you!
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