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Everything posted by steve_plaster

  1. Hey Ziggy. Thanks for the reply. I have a text object that will be absolutly positioned above the image. It will eventually be hidden. When a user hovers over the below image, the text will slide down to sit above it. I throught I'd tried targetting the z-index already but perhaps I did it in the wrong place. Here's the website: https://www.collabtechgroup.com/ms-int-2 Thanks
  2. Hey Guys In the new fluid builder. When you have content overlapping. The builder allows you to select a forward and backwards position for which content is on top, screenshot below. Does anyone know how to target this with css or javascript? Thanks
  3. Site URL: https://www.bristolharbourfestival.co.uk/ Hey Guys When I press back page on any mobile brower, it directs me straight to the home page rather then the previous page. It's working fine on desktop. Issues are only on the mobile browser. Has anyone experience this before? Many thanks
  4. @tuanphanwe've found how to target the image! It's working. Thanks again for your help. .custom-fallback-image{ object-fit: contain !important; }
  5. Unfortunately, that didn't completely solve it. I could edit the vh area of the image with this: @media screen and (max-width:600px) { #collection-5fd25ba5faf0e33e98cef9f1 section:first-child { min-height: 65vh !important; height: 65vh !important; width: 10%!important; min-width: 100%!important; } However none of those styles had a direct impact on the fall back image itself. That image still looks crushed on mobile 😞 I don' think this is doing anything.. #collection-5fd25ba5faf0e33e98cef9f1 section:first-child img { width: auto!important; height: 100%!important; background-repeat: no-repeat!important; background-size: contain!important; }
  6. Yes that's right. On mobile the homepage image looks stretched. It would be great if it was responsive. Do you know how to target this?
  7. Site URL: https://www.bristolharbourfestival.co.uk/ Hey I have a video playing on the desktop with an image being used as a mobile fallback. However the image for the fallback is being stretch and I can't fix. Anyone able to assist? Thanks Simon
  8. Site URL: https://www.bristolharbourfestival.co.uk/ Hey Guys What is the correct size for the mobile video fall back image? Thanks Simon
  9. They responded with this to me as well - but this only covers the code/css added within the code window - not the functionality itself (which is the fault). The functionality is provided as part of the core infrastructure of the platform and as such is covered by terms of use and support to my understanding.
  10. Has anyone had a useful/successful customer service reaction to this issue. I've basically been told we'll fix it when we can and told to jog on.
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