I want to add a YouTube video as a top image on a blog post. If I use the video block, I can add the YT link and it works, but it fills he page width and therefore the entire screen. I want to embed it smaller so that the first few lines of the blog post text is still visible when the page loads.
I can use an embed block and YT embed code and the video embeds smaller, but it's left justified and not centered. I tried using spacer blocks to center it but the embed block doesn't seem to be tied to the video width so I can't center it. The spacers on each side are the same size but the embed block is narrower than the video, so the video ends up off center.
I tried this in Firefox and Chrome with the same results.
BTW, why is it so difficult to add a video or image that isn't the full post width and keep it centered? For all hype about Squarespace being easy, this simple thing is much too difficult. Or maybe I'm just making it difficult, but everything I've read says that you can't simple center things, you've got to add spacers to each side. And then, there's no way other than visually to actually make the spacers the same width.
Edit: I managed to fudge the LH spacer width to visually center the video. Still harder than it ought to be.