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Level 2 (2/20)



  1. Hi, We noticed on our blog page that the dates are showing incorrectly - instead of YY-MM-DD (via a custom script copied from here) it is showing '202024' for the year. Can't figure it out, and wondered if anyone had any suggestions?
  2. If it's a Squarespace contact form submission that you want to track, you'll need the ID of the block, and then listen for the event 'contact-form-submit' <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var yourForm = document.getElementById('block-IDxxxxxxxx'); if (yourForm) { yourForm.addEventListener('contact-form-submit', function() { window.lintrk('track', { conversion_id: XXXXXXXX }); }); } </script>
  3. Hi I am trying to do this with the new newsletter block, but that form doesn't allow you to add hidden fields. Users are redirected to our newsletter form with the url .... /newsletter?fname=@First name&lname=@Surname&email=@Email Any suggestions on how to pre-populate the newsletter block form with these params?
  4. Site URL: http://www.hardianhealth.com Hi, I have added a newsletter form block in the pre-footer space (Bedford template). The form fields won't align horizontally however - the email field appears to drop a few pixels. I have tried adjusting layout to 'float fields' but that doesn't change anything. Frustrated I deleted the form and made a new one in the same place, but the issue just reoccurs. See pic below. I don't have any custom CSS that covers form fields that could be making this error. This only happens if using Chrome, the form otherwise looks fine in Safari.
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