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Status Replies posted by tuanphan

  1. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question, but contacting support didn't get me anywhere. I have a client who every time she logs into her site (the first time only, but every first time) she gets the attached message. She eventually gets it to work. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    Screen Shot 2022-04-11 at 1.02.02 PM.png

    1. tuanphan


      It looks like problem came to Squarespace. You should contact SS Customer Care

  2. Hi @tuanphan

    First of all, I love all your answers to people's questions, I often find things I need from old threads. Thank you.

    One thing I am battling with is changing the font size of the Titles under the auto layout simple grid....  please can you tell me the code to make this smaller?

    Thank you so much

    Screenshot 2021-09-07 at 13.32.52.png

    1. tuanphan



      If you have any problems, please post on forum or my email.

      I didn't see notification on profile

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi 😀

    I am using this css code on a website to get a red line under the header, and it works great on desk top and tablet, but it doesn't appear on mobile (and I want it too). Can you help?

    .Header {
      : 4px solid #BB0000 !important;

    1. tuanphan



      You can post on forum. I will check easier

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Do you know how to re-size the image that will display when a video wont load on mobile? 

    I don't even understand how to find the tag to write any code for it.

  5. Hi, 

    Happen to know how I can code my mobile website header to fit like my desktop version?

    Thank you in advanced 


    1. tuanphan


      You can post on forum or send your questions to my email.
      I will check soon.

  6. Hello! I've seen you be so helpful to others in SS, and I thought I'd reach out directly. I'm a baby designer, DIY-er, and I've had my site for about 7 years! I'm on 7.1, and I just purchased Member Areas. I'm on a new page in the Member Areas section and I can't get a pdf to upload in a text block. As you can see the file shows it uploaded but when I save, and then return, DOWNLOAD pdf isn't clickable. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, and would love some help. thanks in advance.


    Screen Shot 2020-12-11 at 6.35.14 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2020-12-11 at 6.35.08 PM.png

    1. tuanphan


      I've been sick lately, trying to deal with every email this week.
      You can post on forum or send your questions to my email.
      I will check soon.

  7. Hi there @tuanphan🙂 You helped me so much in the past, I was hoping you could help again? I have added a new grid gallery to my site, which shows 3 images across on desktop, but only 2 on mobile. Can you help me make it show all three images across on mobile too?

    The link is https://snail-groundhog-6tzy.squarespace.com/link-in-bio and the password is jessbailey

    Thank you!! 🙂 

    1. tuanphan


      I've been sick lately, trying to deal with every email this week.
      You can post on forum or send your questions to my email.
      I will check soon.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. @tuanphan Do you know of a script to bypass slug character limit? I need to use a 2 character word as a specific slug for a page and haven't found any way around.

    1. tuanphan


      Hi. I'm overloading.

      You can post on forum.

  9. Hi! I think you can help me? 

    I need to manually add a little padding to the navigation menu on my site, but I want to keep my site Margin at 0. 

    I can't for the life of me find the code to do this. 



    the password to view is password 

    1. tuanphan


      You can edit Site Header or add this to Design > Custom CSS

      header#header {
          padding-left: 2vw;
          padding-right: 2vw;

      If you have any other questions, please post on forum or send to my email.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Hey @tuanphan, I know you are the person to help me with this issue! The logo on navigation pages are only displaying on a refresh - any ideas why??


    1. tuanphan


      Design > Site Styles > Disable Ajax Loading

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Hi, was hoping you could help me. I used your code to give all the images on my site a rounded edge. Only thing I have not been able to apply this to are the thumbnails in the portfolio page grid (work) and the blog image thumbnails on the (news page)


    Are you able to help me.


    Site is: 


    Thank you



    1. tuanphan



      You can send to my email. I can check carefully.

  12. Hi @tuanphan, I would like to know if there is any CSS that I can use redirect a button to a specific page only if the user is using the mobile version but not if it is using the desktop one.

    In my website I like how the product are shown in the desktop version


    but they are totally different in the mobile version.

    I wish to create a different design for the same page that it is shown only in the mobile version. Like if I have 2 link applied at the same button one active when I'm in the desktop version and one active when I'm in the mobile version.

    I don't know if it is clear....


    Thank you




    1. tuanphan



      You can post on forum or send to my email.

      I will check easier.

  13. Tuanphan!! You seem like the expert to go to in our Squarespace Circle!!

    How do I get this section of font to be centered on ONLY Mobile and Tablet (breakpoint 1024px) 

    Your support would be greatly appreciated!

    Screenshot 2020-10-27 204704.png

    1. tuanphan



      I'm overloading.

      You can post on forum & tag me

      or send to my email. https://beaverhero.com/covid19

      I will check carefully at the end of day

  14. One more question. And thank you for your kindness! I am using 7.1 and I adjusted the dropdown spacing to accommodate a longer test. I want to increase the padding on the background to match the text. I figured the custom css would be padding-right, but I guess not. 🙂

    Currently the code I am using for the dropdown menu is :


    /* Change dropdown menu background */
    .header-nav-folder-content {
       background: #d22730 !important;

    .header-nav-folder-item {
        width: auto !important;
        white-space: nowrap;

    Screen Shot 2020-10-25 at 09.58.54.png

    1. tuanphan



      I'm overloading.

      You can post on forum & tag me

      or send to my email. https://beaverhero.com/covid19

      I will check carefully at the end of day

  15. I have 7.1 and I want to link to PayPal for a school to accept donations. So I don't necessarily want to process donations on Squarespace. My assumption is that I could link to PayPal using a button or whatnot, but I think that when linking to a specific PayPal account (X Elementary School) PayPal uses a token system that consistently changes, making the link unusable after a few minutes. Wix has a PayPal widget to solve this problem. So you don't have to set up a commerce account with Wix in order to set up PayPal (much like Soundcloud, Twitter, etc. on Squarespace). Any suggestions?

    1. tuanphan


      You can setup donation link in PayPal website


  16. Hi!! We need to make a double top nav in squarespace 7.1, with social images.

    We have gotten as far as putting some up and some down. Can you help?

    1. tuanphan



      I'm overloading, too many questions on forum.

      You can post on forum & tag me

      or send to my email. https://beaverhero.com/covid19

      I will check carefully at the end of day

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hello tuanphan,
    I hope you can help me with this opportunity.  I have been thinking about a solution and I keep hitting a roadblock.
    I have a client that wants to have unique landing pages created for the different type of businesses that he represents. The landing pages will just contain small amount of text and a strong CTA such as, sign up for our newsletter, schedule a tour, watch a demo, have an agent call, download a case study- are some examples.
    However, he wants these landing pages to be under the same URL. For example, he's representing a healthcare company, telecom and a school...the landing pages will be structured as follow: 
    Each landing page will be independent from each other. Therefore, the "website" will have no top nav, the pages will be hidden (only accessed when the unique url is shared) for the sole purpose of lead/demand generation.
    Can I do that with SquareSpace? There are other platforms that offer a solution for this project but I'm not too familiar with them such as InstaPage and Unbounced. I would like to use SquareSpace but need to know if I can do what the client is requesting. Note the only way that a prospective client will find the landing page is if my clients gives it out either in conversation, as a link to a digital ad, as part of a social media post, in an email, etc.  These landing pages are not intended to be promoted publicly. They sole intention is to capture a perspective customer's information.
    Have you come across something like this before?  Any feedback will be super super helpful.  Thank you!!!
    1. tuanphan


      Possible. yourdomain.com/web1, yourdomain.com/web2, yourdomain.com/web3.

       However with domain, not sure you can use subdomain a1.yourdomain.com, a2.yourdomain.com, a3.yourdomain.com..



  18. Hi tuanphan, 

    Wandered if there was a way to remove the 'posts in strole to the pole' text when in a blog pages with that as a category? 

    I've used a link to the blogs with that as a category and the client doesn't like the text coming up? 

    Thank you

    Screenshot 2020-09-10 at 11.43.19.png

    1. tuanphan



      You can post on forum & tag me

      or send to my email: https://beaverhero.com/covid19

      I will check at the end of day

  19. website: www.michaelleonardifoundation.org

    Hi!! For my Squarespace 7.1 website, I am trying to make the text End the stigma. End the shame. display on two lines rather than wrapping when viewed on mobile (especially on an older/smaller device like iphone 7--imaged attached).

    I've tried to add CSS that isn't working. Can you please help?

    Thanks in advance!



    1. tuanphan



      I'm overloading.

      You can post on forum & tag me

      or send to my email. https://beaverhero.com/covid19

      I will check carefully at the end of day


      automatic message

  20. Helloooooo Beaver Hero!

    I'm looking for CSS for the following font style. Would greatly appreciate the assist. THANK YOU.

    • Heading 4
    • Poppins
    • Weight 300
    • Style Normal
    • Line Height 2em
    • Letter Spacing .35em
    • Text Transform None
    1. tuanphan



      I'm overloading.

      You can post on forum & tag me

      or send to my email. https://beaverhero.com/covid19

      I will check carefully at the end of day

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. Hi there, I'm not sure if this is how this works, but I am looking for help with the header of a website i am making. I would like the logo centred and the navigation split either side of it (im in 7.1), and I saw you had commented on a thread about this a while back but wasnt sure if you ever found a solution? 

    PS sorry if i am using this wrong - this is my first time ever using the circle forum. 


    Thanks so much in advance

    Jade :) 

    1. tuanphan


      You can send to my email: https://beaverhero.com/covid19

      or post on forum.

      I will check carefully.

  22. Hey Tuanphan, 

    I'm trying to add a vertical line in between my navigation items on a 7.1 template. I tried the following code but doesn't work, probably because of the template change:

    /* Add vertical links */
    .site-navigation .nav-item {
       border-right: 1px solid #000 !important;
    /* Hide vertical last item */
    .site-navigation .nav-item:last-child {
       border-right: none !important;
    /* Change spacing */
    .site-navigation .nav-item span {
       padding-right: 10px;


    Can you please help me with one that works on a 7.1 template?

    Screen Shot 2020-07-24 at 1.25.20 PM.png

    1. tuanphan



      I'm in hometown.

      You can post on forum. 

      or You can send to my email. https://beaverhero.com/covid19

      I will check soon.

  23. Any idea how to change the button text on hover in Squarespace? I want the button word "enter" to change to a different word when it is moused over - is this possible? Thank you!

    1. tuanphan



      You can send to my email https://beaverhero.com/covid19

      or post on forum

      I will check at the end of day. 

  24. Hi Tuanpan,

    I have used your piece of code which worked great below to force 2 products per line on mobile ecommerce sites;

      @media screen and (max-width:767px) {
    .products.collection-content-wrapper .list-grid {
        display: grid;
        grid-template-columns: repeat(2,minmax(0,1fr)) !important;
        grid-column-gap: 5px;
        grid-row-gap: 5px;

    However I have some featured blocks on my website 'www.stauntonspharmacy.ie' and hence they are still appearing as a full image and not smaller as a result of your code above. 


    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. 

    1. tuanphan



      I'm overloading.

      You can post on forum & tag me

      or send to my email. https://beaverhero.com/covid19

      I will check carefully

  25. Hi Tuanphan, How do I target a specific poster block on my homepage?

    I have coded some padding for the text but cant work out how to apply it just to that section.




    .sqs-block-image .design-layout-poster .image-title-wrapper {

        padding-right: 50%;

    1. tuanphan



      I'm overloading.

      You can post on forum & tag me

      or send to my email. https://beaverhero.com/covid19

      I will check carefully

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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