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  1. Site URL: https://wholy-greens-work-in-progress.squarespace.com/ Hi there, I'm looking for the correct class names for the following items on the Shopping Cart Page: Shopping Cart Page Title Notification Bar (where it says messages like: "To check out, your order subtotal must be €13.00 or more." To check out, your order subtotal must be €13.00 or more Product Card Row Labels - for 'Item, Quantity, Price' The entire container for the product card – I want to be able to edit the gray lines boldness and color The icon for the 'delete cross' which removes an item The product card Image The Product Card Title The Product Card Variant Option (size: 200g for instance) Quantity Box Product Card Price Subtotal label & Subtotal price Checkout button I just need the class names as most of these I need to replace with my own custom font, and probably also change the font sizes as well in Custom CSS... You can preview the website here, try adding an item to cart and view the page... https://wholy-greens-work-in-progress.squarespace.com/ For some reason, all the guides I've looked at - the class names don't work. Please help!
  2. How do I change the Blog Post Titles on the Blog Listing Page to a custom font? I tried adding the following in Custom CSS, but it does not work. .blog-item-title { font-family: gtflexa-black !important; } a.blogitem-title { font-family: gtflexa-black !important; }
  3. Hi all, I am trying to use 3 custom fonts for a new project: - GT Flexa Condensed Regular - GT Flexa Compressed Medium - GT Flexa Compressed Black However, only regular is recognized in the code on Squarespace. Black and Medium simply don't show up (see screenshot and code below). I am starting a completely new project from the 'Hester' template Note: - Headline 1, 2, 3, 4 are all incorrect. h1, h2, h4 should be GT Flexa Medium, and h3 should be GTA Flexa Black - but it's replacing it with Times New Roman or something else. I am using the following Custom CSS @font-face { font-family: FlexaMedium; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/611bf2c4b6fb4532e59351f0/t/611c2815ea278f6e4a407c88/1629235221817/GT-Flexa-Compressed-Medium.woff); font-family: FlexaBlack; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/611bf2c4b6fb4532e59351f0/t/611c281df33e4619b1881a9f/1629235229263/GT-Flexa-Compressed-Black.woff); font-family: FlexaRegular; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/611bf2c4b6fb4532e59351f0/t/611c2040be24c339080662f3/1629233216651/GT-Flexa-Condensed-Regular.ttf); } h1, h2, h4 { font-family: 'FlexaMedium' !important; } h3 { font-family: 'FlexaBlack' !important; } h1, h2, h3 { text-transform: uppercase; } p { font-family: 'FlexaRegular' !important; Does anyone know what the issue might be?
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