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  1. @creedon Thanks for your confirmation of what I had suspected....that Squarespace wasn't being forthright in their description of a Store Manager's privileges when they describe the access as "some content like blog posts and events." It's ALL the content of the business site, and that's too much access for some commerce clients' staff members. I wonder if the Squarespace development team has considered including a contributor user case that would offer limited store access -- to the products and order data only -- and not the rest of the site. I think of this level not as a Store Manager, but as a Store Associate. An associate would not have the keys to the shop or access to the POS settings, but they would know how to stock the shelves, make sales, and issue refunds. I have several clients for whom I have commerce enabled on their sites who rely on staff to administer inventory, fulfillment, or custom checkout form data. They don't necessarily want these staff members to have access to make changes to the rest of the web site's page. I just submitted a feature request via the Contact Us / Squarespace Circle / Feature Request option. We'll see what they say!
  2. I am trying to set up one of my clients' staff members with Store Manager access so that she can manage orders. She is not meant to have access to edit content or styles on the site's general pages. When I set myself up via a test email address with the same privileges as I have given this staff member (Store Manager), the options listed in the admin panel ARE diminished. However, even though "Styles" and "Assets" are not listed under "Website," the option to edit "Pages" is listed. This gives clear and full access to a Store Manager to edit the content and styles of any block of any page on the site, add/delete sections, edit the footer...really, it's pretty much full editor access without having assigned them any "website editor" privileges at all as listed in the permissions structure. I've attached a side-by-side photo showing how I am logged in with two different emails, one with owner privileges (left) and one with only Store Manager privileges (right). You can clearly see how "Pages" is listed as a navigation item in the Store Manager admin panel. I can confirm that the same page editing access one has as an owner or admin is conferred via that "Pages" link in the Store Manager admin panel, too. Does anyone know how to give access to the store's data/functions without giving access to edit the rest of the site content?
  3. I was having this issue, too. After seeing this thread I checked my injection code and the issue appeared to be some code that I had placed in my Header injection area. When I went back to my original download link to see if the developer had made any updates I realized that I had missed a message that had come from him a while back alerting me to an update in the code. Once I followed his instructions to replace the code in my header and footer injection areas...BOOM. All looks and works great again.
  4. The issue appears to be related to some custom code I'm using on that page to create split grid layouts. Specifically, the mobile line controlling .section-background-overlay.
  5. Site URL: https://saffron-scarlet-d6ge.squarespace.com/ I was comparing all the desktop and mobile views on a site I am just about finished designing for a client [ https://saffron-scarlet-d6ge.squarespace.com/ ] when I realized that there is a mysterious background color overlapping the top of my footer content, but JUST on the home page, and JUST in mobile view. I've tried swapping the three footer sections around to see if the issue only persists in relation to a specific section or block, but it seems to persist no matter which of the three sections appears at the top of the footer. I also tried making adjustments to the color palette styles' background colors for various image/list/text blocks, but that also did nothing to alleviate the problem. Any ideas?
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