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Have you requested the page is re-indexed on Google Search Console?

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Hi @LukeBurles - don't worry, you're not alone here! Sometimes Google displays information incorrectly - I've added a graphic which explains some reasons why your site isn't displaying properly or at all on Google.

I've also just run a scan on your site with SEOSpace (below) and saw that your SEO title isn't 50-60 characters long - this is optimal for Google displaying it correctly, however, there are other things which come into play:

  • Broken links - your works, blog and about links are broken in the footer
  • Backlinks - if Google isn't ranking you correctly yet, it might be because you don't have enough links
  • Google Search Console setup - as @Ziggy said, make sure you set up Google Search Console

Below, I've also added a graphic which covers some other common reasons, but let me know if you have any questions.



Henry Purchase

Founder of SEOSpace - the SEO plugin for Squarespace.

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There can be two possible scenarios for this (Google displaying a different meta description in the Search Engine Result Page from what you have specified).

1. Google has not crawled that change

In the Google Search Console, add this URL, and check if the page is crawled by Google after you updated the description. You can check this in the "URL Inspection". If not, you can manually request Google to re-crawl your page by clicking on the "Request Indexing" button.

2. Google has crawled that change

If you see that Google has crawled your page after it was updated, then Google has considered that description, but it has intentionally shown a different description.


The most common reason that Google shows a different meta description than the one you provided, is that they think that their snippet is better (for that search, for that user). Source

In that case, you can try changing the description again and make it more relevant to your page.

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@LukeBurles the title tag "The Portrait Lens - North Brisbane Photographer" is fine and does not determine the snippet Google displays: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/snippet

Google's info on title tags: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/title-link

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