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Switched to 7.1 and website is not mobile responsive

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I switched my site to 7.1 and am now noticing the mobile responsiveness is just not working. I have to go in and do a lot of manual editing in mobile view. Usually it's things like the elements are in the wrong order, image and text blocks are not aligned properly - little things like that, but they all add up and cost me time fixing.

Is this an issue Squarespace is aware of and working on? It's a pain to have to manually edit in mobile view all the time.


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  • Solution
8 minutes ago, amandaclairef said:

I switched my site to 7.1 and...I have to go in and do a lot of manual editing in mobile view...the elements are in the wrong order, image and text blocks are not aligned properly.

This is a feature of Fluid Engine sections where you can design your mobile layout independently from your desktop layout. This was a widely requested feature but designing both layouts does add a time penalty.

If you'd prefer to use the classic "LayoutEngine" editor where there isn't a separate mobile layout, you can still add page sections that use this instead. To use these, scroll down past all the new section options to choose the classic ones.

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Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
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3 minutes ago, paul2009 said:

This is a feature of Fluid Engine sections where you can design your mobile layout independently from your desktop layout. This was a widely requested feature but designing both layouts does add a time penalty.

If you'd prefer to use the classic "LayoutEngine" editor where there isn't a separate mobile layout, you can still add page sections that use this instead. To use these, scroll down past all the new section options to choose the classic ones.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm having similar issues but my problem is with the navigation not being responsive.  I have tried to change the spacing and width of the menu and even removed items in the menu but I still get text pilled up.  My website is www.holyredeemerkissimmee.org. I have attached a screenshot for your review and suggestions.

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 9.06.03 AM.png

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6 minutes ago, mariadelamo said:

I'm having similar issues but my problem is with the navigation not being responsive.  I have tried to change the spacing and width of the menu and even removed items in the menu but I still get text pilled up.

@mariadelamo Go into Site Styles and check the settings that you've assigned to the Site Navigation Font.

Currently the Line Height is set to 0px which means the text will overwrite instead of spacing down to the next line. Try something like 1.5em instead:


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Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
Forum advice is completely free. You can thank me by selecting a feedback emoji. Buying a coffee is generous but optional.

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