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Problems with the updated Link Editor

Go to solution Solved by paul2009,

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The new link editor is a nice idea. But maybe it needed more testing before release.  The footer is a good example of how it's not working as expected, cutting off at the bottom of the browser, making it impossible to use. I've also noticed in Sections it pops up blocking my view of the item I am editing, which can be super annoying. Anyone else finding this a problem?


The work around for the footer is to extend the footer depth, make your edit, then remove the extra space. 

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Hmm.  With the recent authoring update on my SS site I suddenly have lost the ability to simply copy raw text from one text block to another when doing my updates.  The original text remains (no copy happens) but now it's all hyperlinked to what SS must be identifying as a phone number.ssjunk.png.49cc34adcfbd161a9d9c2b38e843b32a.png  An example is "Ps 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 (see 3a)" - it's the third line in teh right text box in the png. When I paste this text over text on the left side block the original text remains (no copy) but now is hyperlinked to the data I copied. Makes no sense.   How do I get SS to stop trying to incorrectly anticipate my actions?  I just want to copy/paste raw text with no interpretation going on.

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An updated Link Editor was rolled out from 15 January 2024 and there are many reports of issues. Many of us have reported these issues directly to the team and they are looking into them. 

If you are experiencing one of these issues, please report it directly to Squarespace Customer Support so that the full extent of the issues can be accurately tracked, investigated, and escalated by the appropriate teams in Squarespace (see the forum guidelines - item 7).

Edited by paul2009

Me: I'm Paul, a SQSP user for >18 yrs & Circle Leader since 2017. I value honesty, transparency, diversity and good design ♥.
Work: Founder of SF.DIGITAL. We provide high quality original extensions to supercharge your Squarespace website. 
Content: Views and opinions are my own. Links in my posts may refer to my own SF.DIGITAL products or may be affiliate links.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having hyperlink issues as well. The menu for adding them is now some bold text with limited options and I have to copy and past what I want or I can't make a hyperlink. It's cumbersome, difficult to work with, and I have to have the hyperlink I want in use somewhere else to copy and paste it. I can't find anything about it in the tutorials (they show the old system I've been happily using for years) or any way to contact support at Squarespace without hiring one of their experts. Seems to me that if they change something on you and don't offer tutorials on how to deal with it I shouldn't have to pay for help from them. 

Anyone have any advice?
SQSpace platform 7.0
Using a MacOS Sonoma 14.0
I've tried it in Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox but nothing changes.

Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 9.16.30 AM.png

Edited by NRC
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18 hours ago, NRC said:

I'm having hyperlink issues as well. 

Have you seen Paul's post just above yours?

18 hours ago, NRC said:

I can't find ... any way to contact support at Squarespace without hiring one of their experts. 

You don't have to hire an experts to get support at Squarespace. Again, please see Paul's link just above your post.

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Melody | Squarespace Website Developer
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  • 1 month later...

I have been having link editor problems since January and SQS will do nothing. I agree - Go Back To OLD LINK EDITOR - it worked. 

Referring to "Paul's Post" does not help that the editor doesn't work......3 months after it was brought out.

I am looking into switching my website away from SQS as there is absolutely no common sense amongst anyone who helps in customer service. They keep saying they are working on issue but nothing has changed or gotten better.

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  • 1 month later...
12 minutes ago, Krueger31 said:

Being a software engineer I definitely cannot believe it's so difficult to insert just a link in my footer with the visual editor, and of course I don't know any other way to do it.

As a fellow software engineer, I would say you most definitely don't have to be a software engineer to use Squarepace, it's a case of learning how to use the tool. And although Squarespace is easy to use,  it IS a big platform with lots of features and maybe quirks. So let me try and help 🙂

13 minutes ago, Krueger31 said:

I'm not being able to center it horizontally, and not even being able to something so silly like modifying the text!

To edit the content of a Text Block, you need to click on the pencil icon (or double-click on the block if you're impatient like me!). Then you will get the text formatting toolbar. With the familiar text alignment icon

15 minutes ago, Krueger31 said:

I just need to create a link

To insert a link to a text, it works similarly to other text editors. If not already, you need to be in edit mode (click the pencil icon) -> highlight the text you wish to insert a link -> click on the "link" icon -> insert either an external link or start typing for one of your web pages.

I have included screenshots below. Hope this answers your questions, let me know how it goes.






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Melody | Squarespace Website Developer
e: melody@melodylee.tech

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