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Replacing shop's 'Add to Cart' button with product block 'Add to Cart' button

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I'm making a website that is selling some big furniture items that can't be directly purchased from the website. However, some items can be. The only solution I have found that will somewhat work is to delete the 'Add to Cart' button using the code below, and then replacing that with a product block 'Add to Cart' in the Additional Info section so that I can decide which items can be bought online and which ones will redirect to a contact page for information on how to buy the big items through the seller directly. But now, because I deleted the default 'Add to Cart', I can't access the product block's 'Add to Cart'. Is there a way around this or another suggestions for how to only purchase some items on the store?

This solution doesn't seem ideal, but with the restrictions Squarespace has on shop templates and shipping, it's the only thing I can think of. I've tried to make a shop from scratch without the template, but without an option to add gallery blocks, that's near impossible.

Please help, I'm going crazy.

/* remove add to cart button */
.sqs-add-to-cart-button-wrapper {
display: none !important;

Edited by Cody_
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