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Hide blog title and next article

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Hello, I am trying to hide the blog title and next article in the blog posts. 

I tried the following CSS

/*Hide view next post in blog*/
.item-pagination {
  display:none !important;
//hide tags at botton of blog posts
.blog-meta-item--tags {
  display: none;
font-family: 'EXPOSURE';
//change blog title font within blog post
.blog-item-title h1 {
    display: none;
font-family: 'EXPOSURE';

password : password 1234

Thanks in advance ! 


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Updated code

Hi @Priscillia you can try to replace your code with the below. I've added my comments of what I changed within the code 

/*Hide view next post in blog*/
 #itemPagination .item-pagination-link{
	// changed the selector
  display:none !important;
//hide tags at botton of blog posts
.blog-meta-item--tags {
  display: none; // haven't checked this, this ok?
font-family: 'EXPOSURE';
//change blog title font within blog post
#article- .blog-item-title h1 {
    display: none; // added blog post selector, should work, if not add !important.
font-family: 'EXPOSURE';


Let me know how it goes.

Edited by melody495

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Melody | Squarespace Website Developer
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5 minutes ago, melody495 said:

Hi @Priscillia you can try to replace your code with the below. I've added my comments of what I changed within the code 

/*Hide view next post in blog*/
#itemPagination {
	// changed the selector from class to id
  display:none !important;
//hide tags at botton of blog posts
.blog-meta-item--tags {
  display: none; // haven't checked this, this ok?
font-family: 'EXPOSURE';
//change blog title font within blog post
.blog-item-title h1 {
    display: none !important; // added important
font-family: 'EXPOSURE';


Let me know how it goes.

Hello Melody, 

Unfortunately these didn't work ! I had tried as well to add !important to no avail. 
Any other idea / selectors ? 😩

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3 minutes ago, Priscillia said:

Hello Melody, 

Unfortunately these didn't work ! I had tried as well to add !important to no avail. 
Any other idea / selectors ? 😩

Hi, please save and refresh to see? I cannot see the new code on your website. Actually I can't see your old code either. Have you removed both?

Are you adding the code to Website -> Website Tools (under Not Linked) -> Custom CSS?

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Melody | Squarespace Website Developer
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27 minutes ago, melody495 said:

Hi, please save and refresh to see? I cannot see the new code on your website. Actually I can't see your old code either. Have you removed both?

Are you adding the code to Website -> Website Tools (under Not Linked) -> Custom CSS?

Hello, yes you can see it right here on the left. I have used code already on several other websites. 
I tried using codes that already worked in the others but here for the title and next item it doesn't do anything !

Capture d’écran 2023-12-05 à 12.17.43.png

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10 minutes ago, Priscillia said:

Another possibility would be to target the already existing title to change the font and center it, instead of trying to hide it. But i encounter the same issue into finding the correct selector / id

I have updated my code above, can you check?

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Melody | Squarespace Website Developer
e: melody@melodylee.tech

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28 minutes ago, Priscillia said:

Still not changing anything ! I don't understand how it is possible really.

I have no idea! It seems to be turning your CSS into .summary-item-list. Here is a screenshot of what your CSS on your website is, these I think are what you put in, but all have .summary-item-list appended.



Maybe others can chime in 🤔


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Melody | Squarespace Website Developer
e: melody@melodylee.tech

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