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How do I stop a main menu item (ie a folder page) opening a sub page rather than displaying the drop down menu?

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Hi -  I have realised today our folder pages (e.g https://perceptor-inspection.com/products) that appear on the main menu open the first sub page in the folder list when clicked, rather than just showing the drop down items.

Support has said it is something to do with custom code but I wouldn't know where to start looking at code for menu controls.

Can anyone tell me what to look for so that I can change menu items with sub pages to show the list of pages rather than going to one specific page?


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Hi, looks like you have re-directs set up. Check here, is there anything in there?


If not, is there anything in your Code Injection?

Also, something is not right in your Code Injection. Looks like this is just happening for Integrations.


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7 minutes ago, CassAggett said:

I think this is standard for 7.1 websites

It's part of some v7.0 sites. On v7.1 by default the folders do not link to the first folder item.

The issue here is the code I mentioned.

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@melody495 Thanks so much for getting back to me on this.  I've just swung back round to this issue.  No, there's nothing in the URL Mappings section.  Should there be??

And, yes, that random bit of code has been bugging me but I have no idea where to find it!  The site was built before I joined the business so am trying to learn as I go along...

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Why would the original website builder have had to add in custom code, I wonder..

I can only guess. It could be that SS didn't handle the cookies in a desirable way. There can be different issues in different countries or legal issues.


How are other people adding in their cookie stuff if not by custom code?

Custom code is the only way if what SS provides is not adequate.

The first thing I'd check is if the current code is the most recent code. If it is then you need to try to get the author to update it or find alternate code that is hopefully SS compatible.

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