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Avoiding SVG icons getting cramped up in left side

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I entered several svg codes in individual code blocks in Version 7.0– Brine family (Clay. template) - evenly scattered across the page in a grid form. And it looked fine when I edited and saved. But when I enter the page (it is disabled) now, all the icons (svg) and all the text from further down the page is all cramped up very narrowly in the left side and all the way down. (so all the text boxes have also been affected and it looks as though there is something big and invisible on the rest of the page that "pushes" it all together in the left). However, when I am in editing mode it all looks fine and the icons and the text sit in their respective blocks nice and tidy. Can anybody help? Thanks in advance 🙂
This is one of the svg icon codes:
<div style="text-align: center;">
   <a href= "/fair-working-conditions" >      
  <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="80" height="80" viewBox="0 -28 512.001 512"><path d="m256 455.515625c-7.289062 0-14.316406-2.640625-19.792969-7.4375-20.683593-18.085937-40.625-35.082031-58.21875-50.074219l-.089843-.078125c-51.582032-43.957031-96.125-81.917969-127.117188-119.3125-34.644531-41.804687-50.78125-81.441406-50.78125-124.742187 0-42.070313 14.425781-80.882813 40.617188-109.292969 26.503906-28.746094 62.871093-44.578125 102.414062-44.578125 29.554688 0 56.621094 9.34375 80.445312 27.769531 12.023438 9.300781 22.921876 20.683594 32.523438 33.960938 9.605469-13.277344 20.5-24.660157 32.527344-33.960938 23.824218-18.425781 50.890625-27.769531 80.445312-27.769531 39.539063 0 75.910156 15.832031 102.414063 44.578125 26.191406 28.410156 40.613281 67.222656 40.613281 109.292969 0 43.300781-16.132812 82.9375-50.777344 124.738281-30.992187 37.398437-75.53125 75.355469-127.105468 119.308594-17.625 15.015625-37.597657 32.039062-58.328126 50.167969-5.472656 4.789062-12.503906 7.429687-19.789062 7.429687zm-112.96875-425.523437c-31.066406 0-59.605469 12.398437-80.367188 34.914062-21.070312 22.855469-32.675781 54.449219-32.675781 88.964844 0 36.417968 13.535157 68.988281 43.882813 105.605468 29.332031 35.394532 72.960937 72.574219 123.476562 115.625l.09375.078126c17.660156 15.050781 37.679688 32.113281 58.515625 50.332031 20.960938-18.253907 41.011719-35.34375 58.707031-50.417969 50.511719-43.050781 94.136719-80.222656 123.46875-115.617188 30.34375-36.617187 43.878907-69.1875 43.878907-105.605468 0-34.515625-11.605469-66.109375-32.675781-88.964844-20.757813-22.515625-49.300782-34.914062-80.363282-34.914062-22.757812 0-43.652344 7.234374-62.101562 21.5-16.441406 12.71875-27.894532 28.796874-34.609375 40.046874-3.453125 5.785157-9.53125 9.238282-16.261719 9.238282s-12.808594-3.453125-16.261719-9.238282c-6.710937-11.25-18.164062-27.328124-34.609375-40.046874-18.449218-14.265626-39.34375-21.5-62.097656-21.5zm0 0"/></svg>

What we want.png

what it looks like.png

what it looks like 2.png

what it looks like 3.png

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