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How to add "Show Thumbnails" to navigation?

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Site URL: http://www.rosie-brock.com/

Hey does anyone know how to replicate this "Prev/Next" and "Show Thumbnails" for a page that has a slideshow gallery block? Is this an older version of Squarespace? 

I believe this is done in WELLS template. I've tried adding text to Header Content, wrote out "Show Thumbnails", and linked it to a private page that contains a gallery grid. I brought the text to the bottom left corner of the website using a spacer. Issue is that this text is fixed, so clicking "Show Thumbnails" will always bring the user to the exact same gallery grid.

Here's two other websites that have this same feature: https://www.kovikonowiecki.com/ and https://www.tarekmawadphoto.com/ 

I appreciate any help I can get. Thank you!

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