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Everything posted by susandeeley

  1. I have been using Squarespace and Acuity for years now. The one issue I keep having is when I book an initial appointment FOR a client, they tell me they have filled out the form that I have attached to the initial appointment- and I can't find it. They obviously see the link in their confirmation email. Where does that form go? If they book the appointment- no problem, the form comes through in the reminder emails, and is also on the calendar ics and is visible on Acuity. I just put myself as a client to see what would happen- but again, I can't find the form. I do receive a filled out form if I click on "send to myself" at the bottom. So there is a workaround- I can ask the client to send it to themself, then forward it to me. But I shouldn't have to do that. Where can I find a filled out form? thanks
  2. I appreciate your response Ziggy, thankyou. It wasn't the tags or categories- it was the number of posts my new summary page was allowing. I still couldn't fix the old one but the new one is working now.
  3. Thanks, I have done that now and the only blogs that come through are the 3 recent blogs that don't come through on the other one. Do you know where I need to look to fix this?
  4. I have 4 summary blog pages for different topics. I recently changed from 7.0 to 7.1 and 3 of those summary blog pages are working perfectly well. However the 4th one, the Reicpes one, is not picking up most of the posts and is only showing a few older ones. What can I do to make it pick up the recent posts? I have posted recently in the others and they are working fine. thanks.
  5. I have just transformed from 7.0 to 7.1 and all is well except that the summary blog pages excerpt font is unreadable (faded out and not black) and I can't find where to go to change it. I have been using these summary pages live as my blog page because I didn't like the way the blog appeared in 7.0, but I need to be able to read the excerpt text. Thanks https://www.susandeeley.com.au/lifestyleblog
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