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  1. Hold up, I just answered my own question. For anyone else who might find this, make sure to remove any /*NOTES*/ from your script! 😂
  2. Hello Circle Forum! I'm working on a client site (pw: snapple) and just added a page load animation script I found on Will Myers' teaching channel. I've used this on a couple sites with no problem, but something odd is happening here—it's causing a white gap between the top navigation and the first section (a scrolling text block). A couple of notes: The script only works when injected into the header and not the footer. I know the script is causing this gap because the gap disappears when I remove the script. The script: /*PAGE-LOADING-ANIMATION*/ <div id="wm-loading-animation"> <div class="loading-graphic"> <img src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/643dc9e685d581353cf47af7/t/6449c9262abdc63349af337a/1682557222652/MakeSpace-animation-star.png"> </div> </div> <script> function hideAnimation(){ document.querySelector("#wm-loading-animation").classList.add("hide-animation"); } setTimeout(function(){ setTimeout(function(){ hideAnimation() }, 500); let checkLoad = setInterval(function(){ if (document.readyState === "complete"){ hideAnimation(); clearInterval(checkLoad) } }, 100); }, 1500); </script> The CSS bits: /*PAGE-LOADING-ANIMATION*/ #wm-loading-animation img{ height:150px; width:auto; } #wm-loading-animation{ height:100vh; width:100vw; background:#fff; position:fixed; z-index: 99999; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center; } .wm-slider-container .dots-container{ left: unset !important; transform: unset !important; right: 3vw } @keyframes pulse{ 0%{ transform:scale(1.1)} 50%{ transform:scale(0.9)} 100%{ transform:scale(1.1)} } .loading-graphic{ animation: pulse 3s ease-in-out infinite; } #wm-loading-animation.hide-animation{ visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; transition: visibility 0s 1s, opacity 1s linear; /*Hide this element after load*/ } I've added a screenshot of the gap. Has anyone else had this problem? Many thanks to anyone who can help me solve this riddle—I'm coming up empty with my very limited (but scrappy) coding abilities.
  3. I'm having the same problem with the jittery scaled text when viewed on mobile - in both Safari and Chrome. It's a really unfortunate bug - I'm wondering if anyone is still having the same issue? I designed so much of my recent site around the text layout, it's going to be a lot of work to make all these adjustments for mobile. I hate to say it, but with all the bugs in 7.1, it's getting harder to sell this as a solution for my clients needing user-friendly in-house websites.
  4. Hello! Thank you thank you, you have helped me solve a major issue with one of my largest clients! However, I'm curious if anyone else is having the issue of a disappearing text box on the banner section? Any ideas of where it has disappeared to?
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