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  1. Absolutely! https://expandingeducation.squarespace.com/
  2. Hi. I am trying to create a favicon using the attached image. I want the size to be large enough to see with a high resolution, but am struggling to get it right. Can someone help me?
  3. Hi. I am trying to embed a Google Sheet on my webpage: https://expandingeducation.squarespace.com/resources Password EETest2024 Currently it is not displaying correctly and I assume that it has something to do with the embed code: <iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTtf5FIF3GWuHElaQs8VZbBoTIryqy1qQkl1oMHUVeIcDnQYgRRtoBmu9_SREwjNBjFEvfwj_CxiUwX/pubhtml?widget=true&amp;headers=false"></iframe> Can someone please help?
  4. Wow! Thank you so much! Is it possible to add code for this section to do the same thing:
  5. I would like to apply this to various carousel images across various webpages on the site.
  6. Hi! Thank you for your reply and willingness to help. I am referring to this carousel (see attached image).
  7. I really appreciate that! Currently, the photos that I would like to apply the effect to are as follows, by webpage: 1. Landing: None 2. Home: 'Our Values' image 3. Partner with Us: Partnership Services carousel images - the ones with the trees and light blue backgrounds. 4. Legal Hub (hidden from nav): All three images 5. Our Roots (hidden from nav): None 6. Resources (hidden from nav): 'Watch This Space' image 7. Books: All images Password: EETest2024
  8. Hi. Can someone help me? I am trying to modify my carousel at the bottom of this webpage so that the images have individual hyper-links to external websites. Password: EETest2024
  9. Thank you! That is accomplishing what I want. Is there a way to make exceptions so that certain photos don't respond to the cursor with the effect?
  10. https://www.expandingeducation.com/. Password EETest2024 I would like to apply this to many images across many pages
  11. Hi. I would like to be apply the effect of hovering over images and having them respond to the cursor with a change of opacity and pan/zoom (that are also linked). This is an example website that has images with this effect.
  12. Thanks so much fr your help! I think I finally got it!
  13. Okay. I tried to remove the comments from the code, maybe that was my issue. Now I'm getting a syntax error on line one. I attached an image for reference.
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