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Everything posted by cmiller

  1. Hi. I am currently having issues with the header of my site when transitioning to mobile. I want it to have a white background and the CTA button to be blue with white letters. Currently, the mobile view shows a light gray header background and the CTA button turns light blue. Can somebody help me with code or another option? https://expandingeducation.squarespace.com/
  2. Actually, can someone help me move it to the right hand side of the footer instead?
  3. I am using this code injection in the footer, but would like it to function in the header instead. Can anyone help me modify it to work in the header? Site Password: EETest2024 <div id="google_translate_element"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="//translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en'}, 'google_translate_element'); } </script>
  4. Thank you. I added the code, but am not familiar with how to adjust the code to work for my page.
  5. Hi. Can someone please help me with code to create an auto scroll for the carousel at the bottom of my webpage? https://expandingeducation.squarespace.com/connect-with-us
  6. Absolutely! https://expandingeducation.squarespace.com/
  7. Hi. I am trying to create a favicon using the attached image. I want the size to be large enough to see with a high resolution, but am struggling to get it right. Can someone help me?
  8. Hi. I am trying to embed a Google Sheet on my webpage: https://expandingeducation.squarespace.com/resources Password EETest2024 Currently it is not displaying correctly and I assume that it has something to do with the embed code: <iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTtf5FIF3GWuHElaQs8VZbBoTIryqy1qQkl1oMHUVeIcDnQYgRRtoBmu9_SREwjNBjFEvfwj_CxiUwX/pubhtml?widget=true&amp;headers=false"></iframe> Can someone please help?
  9. Wow! Thank you so much! Is it possible to add code for this section to do the same thing:
  10. I would like to apply this to various carousel images across various webpages on the site.
  11. Hi! Thank you for your reply and willingness to help. I am referring to this carousel (see attached image).
  12. I really appreciate that! Currently, the photos that I would like to apply the effect to are as follows, by webpage: 1. Landing: None 2. Home: 'Our Values' image 3. Partner with Us: Partnership Services carousel images - the ones with the trees and light blue backgrounds. 4. Legal Hub (hidden from nav): All three images 5. Our Roots (hidden from nav): None 6. Resources (hidden from nav): 'Watch This Space' image 7. Books: All images Password: EETest2024
  13. Hi. Can someone help me? I am trying to modify my carousel at the bottom of this webpage so that the images have individual hyper-links to external websites. Password: EETest2024
  14. Thank you! That is accomplishing what I want. Is there a way to make exceptions so that certain photos don't respond to the cursor with the effect?
  15. https://www.expandingeducation.com/. Password EETest2024 I would like to apply this to many images across many pages
  16. Hi. I would like to be apply the effect of hovering over images and having them respond to the cursor with a change of opacity and pan/zoom (that are also linked). This is an example website that has images with this effect.
  17. Thanks so much fr your help! I think I finally got it!
  18. Okay. I tried to remove the comments from the code, maybe that was my issue. Now I'm getting a syntax error on line one. I attached an image for reference.
  19. The thread that you linked originally has quite a few pieces of code. Maybe I copy and pasted the wring thing. Would you be willing to send me the code directly so that I can ensure it is correct?
  20. Maybe I added it in the wrong place. I went to Website Tools > Custom CSS. Should I add it somewhere else? I'm new to this, so please forgive me.
  21. Yes. I added it. I'm not sure what to do next.
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