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Everything posted by Savgordon

  1. I've customized a carousel block on a site I am working on, but when I reduced the max-height so that more images can show at one time, I now have this large area of white space at the bottom of the block that I can't remove? Does anyone know how to remove this? (When I try to manually adjust the block size in the editor, the borders turn red and it won't go any smaller in height.) URL is: https://purple-ocelot-2dea.squarespace.com/ Password is: "GLOW" (all caps) Here is the code I've added customizing this block: //wireline around event gallery images// .sqs-gallery-design-strip img {border: 1px solid black;} //padding around event gallery images// .sqs-gallery-design-strip img { margin-right: 25px; } // adjusting width and height of gallery// .sqs-gallery-design-strip img { max-height: 700px !important; }
  2. Hey all! I used the below code I found online to rotate a small section of text in the footer of a site I am working on. However, I need to UNDO the rotation on mobile for it to look right and can't figure out how to update the code to revert back on mobile. #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1707432821850_197215 { transform: rotate(-90deg);} Here's the site: https://ladybug-seahorse-5wtx.squarespace.com/ Password: KOKO2024 Thank you!!
  3. Hi all! I'm having trouble figuring out how to tweak the code for the scrolling gallery blocks I have on the site I am building for a client. URL and Password are below: https://ladybug-seahorse-5wtx.squarespace.com/ PW: KOKO2024 There are 5 scrolling gallery grids total throughout the page, and for the life of me, I can’t figure out how to get them to automatically repeat. So once they’ve scrolled through all the logos, it’s just blank space filling the screen until it starts over. I want them to just infinitely repeat immediately so there is no space between the last logo and the first logo in the grid. Here is an example of the code I am using for these (slightly customized for each as you'll see I have them scrolling in different directions!) #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1707432821850_47937 { .sqs-gallery-design-grid { display:flex; flex-wrap:nowrap !important; overflow:visible; position: relative; animation: galleryRight 40s linear infinite; } .sqs-gallery-design-grid-slide { min-width:200px !important; } .sqs-gallery-design-grid .sqs-gallery-design-grid-slide .margin-wrapper{ margin-top:5px !important; } } @keyframes galleryRight { 0% { transform: translateX(0%); } 100% { transform: translateX(100%); } } Thank you all in advance for any help you can provide!!
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